Chapter 14

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It was Slender. I didn't see that coming, well, I didn't see any of this coming. I didn't see that I'd become a murderer, kill Micah's brother, get caught, go to an asylum, and be on the run. Then again, most things happen without you seeing it coming straight at you.

This, all of this, just smacked me in the face. Seriously, all of it just took a cinder block with a metal chair and threw it all me. Metaphorically speaking. Quite painful if that really did happen.

I just stood there, looking at him, then at Micah.

"Why would you think that we'd stay in Michigan if the coppers were after us? Why did you come?" I questioned Slender.

"I didn't just come here to see you two. Plus, I am everywhere." He spoke proudly.

I still stood there, shocked and surprised to see him here. But he did have a point. He is everywhere.

I closed my eyes and sighed, looking back up, he was gone.

"And, he's gone," Micah said.

I was about to speak when my stomach spoke for me. Micah hopped off the chair. "What do you want to eat?"

I thought for a minute. "Uh, why not some spaghetti?" He nodded, then looked through the cabinets. "You go take a shower or something. I'll call you when it's done."

I nodded at him and thanked him. I'm going to take this time to just chill. Take a bath, and just unwind, considering I haven't done it in a while. I walked to my bedroom, grabbing my laptop and clothing, then to the bathroom. Running the water, I looked through some of my songs on the laptop. Finally finding one, I played it.

'Underdog' by You Me At Six was playing loud enough for me to hear. Looking at the water, I turned it off, stripped and got in.

The hot water felt good. All the knots I had, they started to unwind, and I felt like the brick that was on me had vanished.

It actually felt like I was a teenager, not some murderer. Being able to have a bubble bath, with my laptop playing. Made me miss that life, but this is my life, my new life. Don't get me wrong, I love where I'm at now, but I do miss everything else.

School? Not so much. The only people I had talked to was Tyler, Micah and two of Micah's friends, Peter and Zach.

Wonder how those two are doing. They've probably seen Micah and I on the news about killing. Everyone probably hates us or me the most since they probably broadcasted that I'm the one who killed Tyler. His mom must really hate me, along with Zack and Peter. They were all nice, well, his mom was. I'm not one hundred percent sure about Zack and Peter, I didn't get to know them well enough to figure that out.

I sat there for a little bit longer before starting to bathe. The wind blew angrily against the window. After about three gusts of wind, the window slammed open causing me to jump and have the curtains go crazy.

I guess the thud was loud enough because Micah had come knocking on the door.

"Is everything okay?" He seemed worried.

"Yeah, it was just the window."

He said a simple 'okay', and he walked away.

The song changed from 'Underdog' to 'Worship the Digital Age' by Whitechapel. Thinking it could be peaceful, it wasn't. Once a few seconds into the song, something or someone came flying through the window. Laying there as if it was dead.

I quickly got out of the bath, covered myself with the towel and shut the window. I ended up slipping on the wet floor, trying to get to the thing.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now