Chapter 27

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Author's Note.

I am really sorry that I haven't updated. I really have wanted to but, things have been preventing me from doing so. So, I apologize. Another thing I wish to say, or ask actually, is.. Is this story turning to shit?

I honestly think it is, in my opinion. It may actually be shit right now because it seems all over the place and a bunch of other stuff. I am sorry if it has turn to shit. (Considering it's my first story, I understand that it may be all over the place.)

Feel free to tell me what I can do to make it less shitty or whatever. I really want you guys to enjoy this.

Anyways, thank you for bearing with me through this. And thank you for sticking around.

Now, onward to the story.

Edit: Okay, the reason there's an edit right here I'd because I started working on this piece back in April of 2015 and I just now finished it. (January 2016.) I'm terrible. BUT. Hello! Guess what? That problem that had been going on has cleared up! Yay! :) So, I will be writing again. It may not be updated every other day or something, but it won't take almost a year. And on that note, I do apologize for the whole not updating for almost one year. And to the people who were telling me that they hope everything gets better, thank you. But I do wish to say sorry for the extreme lateness and not telling about my whereabouts. Thank you for reading this far and having to wait this long. I live for you guys. I really do.

Sorry if this chapter is shit. The next one will be better, I promise.

I wandered back to the house to see Jack laid on the floor. He looked dead. I went over to his body and sat down beside him and started poking him.

This is the first real time that I can touch him and realize, oh hey, he's actually got meat on his bones. Whoa.

I kept poking, not really thinking, until his arm moved quickly and grabbed mine, stopping me a hair away from poking him. He turned his head and looked at me.

"What is it now, child?" He seemed to be calm.

With my free hand I poked him again, and afterward, he then pinned my arms behind my back. He was now restraining me from trying to touch him.

"When can you help me?" I looked at him, while his mask just looked back.

He stayed quiet and held my arms. He seemed to be thinking of something.

"What is it? Why should I help you, child?" He let go of my arms and sat at the bar.

I moved my arms so they would stop hurting. I moved over to him, sat and started drumming my fingers on the bar table.

"I need you because you know what I need to do, Jack. Plus, you're the greatest help I can get, honestly." I spoke the truth while he seemed to either be awestruck or thinking that it's a joke.

"I see. I'm your greatest help? Hmm. I will help you." I smiled and was about to thank him, but he spoke yet again. "Only if I can devour their kidneys."

I pondered. They're my family and all but, one's a toy, my mother, and my older brother. I mean, they're going to be dead...

"Why not? They're gonna be dead anyway. I see no harm in doing so." I got up and left the bar area.

Onward to my room to play the capture and execution.

We walked into my room and Jack just sat on my bed. While going to my drawers to pull out papers with some decent plans, I couldn't help but wonder why he came back if I was superior to him. He said that he'd have to kill me in order for him to come back... Something doesn't feel right.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now