Chapter 6

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"Is she okay? I found her in her room, bleeding, a lot."

"She should be. She'll be in the hospital for a few days. Do you know how this happened?"

"No, my brother and I were sleeping until I woke from a strange feeling. I got up and started to look for her and there she was. Passed out, bleeding and the balcony door open with a blood trail making a path."

"That's strange. Very strange. Oh, she's waking."

I started to open my eyes slowly, then shutting them quickly due to the blinding lights.


I opened my eyes and looked to see Micah and the doctor.

"W-what happened?" My throat was dry. I tried to sit up, only to have an extreme pain.

"Miss. Burns! You shouldn't move. We just stitched you up."

"What? Stitched?"

"Yes, you have a missing kidney."

If you were to look at my face, you would know I was in shock. My eyes were wide. My kidneys missing. Was it him?

-One Week Later-

They finally let me out of the hospital. Mom hasn't been home in what feels like forever. Cole and I try to call and text, but she never answers. I sat on the couch watching the Saturday cartoons, while Cole was getting ready to leave for an interview. He came downstairs and fell. I turned to see him on the ground, his face was in it.

"Cole... Are you okay?" I was trying to hold back my laughter as much as I could. Right before he spoke, I busted out laughing.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just fell on my face. Nothing new." He groaned, then sighed.

"Ah gravity, thou art a heartless bitch."

"Wow, Emily. Wow."

"Very wow. Much annoyed."

"You need help. What are you doing today?" I hopped off the couch and thought.

"Uhh, I might text Tyler and Micah to see what they're doing." He nodded and did whatever he had to do, I turned back around. Within a few minutes, Cole was done and gone. The cartoons ended and I was stuck at home with the TV. I made my way up and grabbed an apple, then bit into it. The lights started to flicker and the TV started to change stations, went to the static, and then off. The lights turned off, making me a little worried.

I moved to my phone, but I ended up stopping, due to me moving too much, hurting my side. I grabbed my phone, and texted Tyler and Micah, letting them know they can come over. I sat in an oddly shaped ball until they arrived.

A knock came from the sliding door, with the curtains closed. I moved the curtains and opened the door to see the man who hurt me, putting me in the hospital. The one who took my kidney.


I gripped the door with both hands, trying to shut it. He raised one hand, and shoved it open, probably breaking it. I moved back as he stepped forward. I was in front of the coffee table when he sat on the floor, like a little kid.

"Emily.." I jumped, I wasn't expecting him to say anything. I thought he was going to kill me.

"Can... Can I talk to you?" I stood where I was. I didn't want to move or anything. I was worried about if Tyler and Micah would come in and see him. Micah would... I don't know what he would do. He's seen Jack before.

"Uhh, s-sure." Why? Emily, why did you just do that..?

"About what happened last time. You, me, your kidney." He seemed to get nervous, and stop.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now