Chapter 7

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We were done for the night and headed back to my house for my bags. I was drenched in blood, so there was no way I was walking through the front door. Cole could be home, even my mom could be there. We came to the backyard, lights were on is the lower living area. I climbed up the side of the house and onto my balcony. I crept inside and went to my bed, the door slammed.

"Emily," My mother's voice echoed. "Are you up there? I need to talk to you."

I quickly grabbed the bags, and Jack was standing in the corner. I placed the bags on the balcony and shut the curtains, then ran into my closet from my pair of clothes that I never really wear, other than the ones I'm wearing now.

I heard the door open, with footsteps coming in and closer to the other side."I swore that I heard something up here. Maybe I'm just hearing things. Since I'm up here, I wonder where she's at. And Cole."

There was a silence, I was thinking that Jack had killed her. The silence was broken when another voice erupted.

"Mom!" Cole's voice was getting closer, and as was the heavy footprints. "We need to find Emily. There have been nine murders tonight, Tyler was included! She needs to be here. I can't get her on her phone. She won't answer, she might be lost, or hurt." His voice trailed off then the footsteps left, and the bedroom door shut.

I peered out to see just to make sure they had left and they did, and Jack wasn't in the corner. I crept out, and to the balcony I went, peering out I see Jack on a branch looking out. I grabbed the curtains and door and shut them, dropped the bags and leaped over. I had my bloody clothes still on, with the last pair in a plastic bag. I unzipped one bag and squeezed it in, and headed back to the woods, the tree where Jack was.

We walked for sometime before coming to a nice size cabin. He walked inside, then I did. It was pretty inside. Fully furnished, wasn't too big, wasn't too small. It gave a warm, fuzzy feeling to me, now a murderer. I smiled to myself before realizing that I was walking around on my own. I opened the first door to see a room that wasn't being used. It had a faint smell of-I think-weed.

"That's your room. Okay, Emily," He walked in a little, then moved back. "If you open the windows the smell will drift out. I'll talk to him about that."

He began to walk away when he mumbled to himself. "That damned Ben.." I giggled a little bit, then went inside and started to unpack. Of course, I had brought my radio, CDs, and two small posters that I never hanged. I hung them both near each other, my Bring Me The Horizon and Of Mice & Men.

Once done I walked out to see no one, but a sudden knock at the door. Right before I made my way to the door, it came open.

"Jack. You her- Who are you?" He was a boy who was wearing a green outfit and look kind of like an elf. His eyes were black with red pupils, it seemed he was crying blood.

"I should be asking you that, little boy. I live here now." I growled. I was getting ready to grab my machete that was still on my back.

"You don't live here, and I'm not a little boy, bitch. I'm seventeen," He growled right back, stepping closer. "You should fear me."

"Yeah, I should fear a shrimp like you? Ha, you're a funny kid," I huffed. "You should fear me, I could kill you right now."

The Killer part was taking over, I was waiting for him to come at me.

"I'm not a shrimp. I'm not fearing a girl, and plus, you couldn't hurt a fly." He laughed as I glared at him.

"Wanna bet?" He nodded. I had grabbed the knife that was closer to me. I threw it at him, be barely got away. But he was to slow, it was on the side of his arm.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now