Chapter 20

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Emily POV

I laid on the floor, hoping that something would happen, or something would come to my mind. A minute turned into an hour, an hour turned to two and so on. This is just one of those days where you want to do something, but nothing comes to mind. It sucks.

I sigh aloud, still hoping that something would happen. Either someone trying to come at me, Micah doing something, or Jack himself. A knock came to my door, getting up quickly, the door came open and revealed Jack. I groaned. I wanted something to do, not really involving him.

Oh well. It's something.

He came over to me, grabbing my shoulders and looking at me. He was staring like when you look at someone who looks familiar but can't put your finger on it.

"Emily." He huffed out.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion, then he punched me in my stomach. I cough and leaned forward, holding my stomach. He then hit me on the back of the head, making the last few things I saw was my white carpet, feet and Jack's words.

"For she'll never know how to get there, but only see."

-Sometime Later-

I woke with a pounding headache and same for my stomach. I was laying in my room, looking up. Leaning up, I began to wonder why, and what happened. Opening the front door, him punching me and going unconscious.

I'm gonna hurt Jack when I see him again. That dick.

"No! You better not!" Someone yelled through my closed door.

I went to the door, grabbed the knob, then opened it. Or tried to. It was locked, jammed or something.

"It has to be done now. I have it ready for Dylan, and for him." It was the same voice from before, and the same voice as John.


"I know, I know. But once it's done, will he kill Micah? What happens if he wants revenge on Emily." The second voice stopped. "We can't let her die."

What the hell are Jack and Slender talking about? Killing Micah? Me? But better yet, who is him?

I walked over to the balcony door, opened them, walked out and leaped down. Not hurting any part of me, which I might add, is really nice. A bush in front of a window caught my eye. For all the times I've walked through that front door, I've never noticed.


Ducking in the bush, I peered into the window and seen Slender and Jack bickering still. Some words I couldn't make out, and others I heard. Overall, what I got out of it was something about an injection that might go wrong, killing me and Micah.

"What are you doing?" I turned around quickly to see Micah standing there, in view of the window.

I grabbed his collar and yanked him down, "Don't just stand there, get down. If you were smart enough, you would have done what I'm doing."

"No, seriously, what are you doing?" He asked, looking into the window as well.

"Jack came in, knocking me unconscious. Woke in my room, the door went stupid or someone locked it or whatever. Jumped down, and boom. Here." I explained, not even eyeing him anymore, but the people inside.

Slender and Jack just stood there, bickering back and forth, until Slender pointed to something, making Jack leave. Within a few minutes, Jack was back with something or someone.

My eyes widen as I saw what was the thing he'd brought up.


Jack got Dylan from the basement. Slender told him to fetch him.

Questions ran through my head like a machine gun firing.

Why was Dylan involved? How was he? What does Slender need with him? What are they going to do?

"What are you doing?" I heard Dylan question in a harsh tone.

I couldn't hear a lot, but something about an injection, changing, killing and becoming this 'him' character.

Jack had punched Dylan in the stomach, making him bend over. Slender grabbed him, holding him in place. Then Jack went up to the table beside the couch, grabbed something then, over to Dylan. His face showed pain, he was trying to break free, but he couldn't, no matter how much he tried. All his flailing soon stopped, but his eyes wandered, soon landing on me.

Eyes grew wide as he seen me. His jerking began again, and screaming occurred.

"Emily! Help me! Oh God! Emily," He screamed, soon Jack was looking around. "Don't just stand out there help me!"

Jack looked out the window I was peering in and see me. He shook his head, then jabbed Dylan in the neck. Dylan's movements slowed, then to a complete stop. Slender dropped him, the pointed at me.

"Emily, come on." I turned to Micah, who I may have forgotten about.

He grabbed me, then flung me over my shoulders. He started to run off.

The last thing I heard was Jack and Slender yelling.

Jack's last words: Come back here, Emily! I told you to be a good little girl.

Slender's last words: Jack, bring her back! She has to be here when he changes.

Jack's words brought back some things from the past. I didn't think I'd hear those words ever again from him.


I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED! ;-; School has been a bitch, with the homework, the projects, the books, the freAKING PEOPLE.

I am really sorry. I don't know when the next time I'll be able to update, that's why I've put in the book's description: Slow Updates.

Also, sorry that it's so short. School and Writer's Block.

What's next? A train? *Looks to the right and sees train* Oh.

Until next time, farewell.

-ToxicTurtle (TT)

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