Chapter 5

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I ended up looking around for a bit. Under the bed, in drawers, closets, and anything else I could find, or I haven't looked through. I didn't notice anything, but it hit me. I went back to my room and looked at the picture. The man was in a corner, just standing there, waiting. The corner beside the lamp. I raced back to the room and looked at the lamp, then the corner. It was dark to where I couldn't see. I saw something white out of the corner of my eye fly. I looked to see the window was opened and the white curtain flying in the wind. I stepped over things, and on the bed to close it, then looked back in the corner. A figure was standing there, I couldn't see who or what it was. After blinking, it was gone.

Was my mind playing tricks on me, again?

I walked back to the door, stepped out and shut it. I turned to see Cole standing there. He almost gave me a heart attack.

"Jesus Cole! Do you have to scare me so much! I mean, come on." I heard him grunt.

"Go to bed, Emily. You have school, and I guess that Tyler kid is coming over tomorrow." With that, he turned and left back to his room.

I decided to go back to mine, where my CD was still playing 'Will You Still Be There'. I turned it down, cut off my light, turned on my lamp and got comfy in my bed. I started to drift when I saw something in my corner of my eye. I popped my head up and looked, narrowing my eyes. I could make out a hoodie, pants, and I think a mask. I started to hear murmurs coming from over there. I slid out of my bed and hit the lights.


I gave out a sigh of relief and cracked my door, peering into the hall. I brought my head back in and closed the door. I turned around to look at my room. The balcony door was opened wide enough for someone to slide in. 'I thought I never opened that.' By this time I was starting to panic.

What if there is someone or something? What if I'm not imagining this? What if I'm going insane? Thoughts were racing when I went over to the door.

I walked outside to see the woods and the birds still there. While I looked at the birds, they started to disband. Flying in opposite directions, as if they couldn't tell directions anymore. I went back inside, shutting and locking the door. Grabbing my baseball bat, placing it by my bed, then turning off the lights. I hopped back in and got situated, once again.


I fell asleep and come up with a terrible feeling of being watched and hearing my name.


My lamp was still on, I saw the door cracked open, with the figure standing there. Facing me, watching me.

"Who's there?" I call out, hoping nothing replies back.

"You're back, Emily. I've missed you." A voice rose from the darkness, with footsteps inching closer.

My eyes grew wide to see that there was something or someone in my house. In my room with me.

"W-who is i-it?" It comes close to my side of my bed, I didn't scream, cry, or move. I was terrified to see that it sat on my bed where Tyler had sat. It rose its hand to my mouth, covering it.

"Shhh, Emily. There's no need to fret. I'm here with you again, and you already met a good friend today. You'll understand, but now, you'll come with me." He spoke without emotion. "Promise not to scream?" I didn't do anything, but he removed his hand.

I didn't feel like he'd kill me, or anything. I just sat there while he handed me my baseball bat. I grasped it in my hands when he suddenly picked me up bridal style. He walked to the balcony door and used his foot to open the door more so we could get out. I just sat there. I felt like I had no emotion at all. I didn't scream like he'd asked. I was scared that he'd kill me, right then and there. I ended up blacking out, probably due to the fact that I was being kidnapped and my anxiety was acting up.

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