Chapter 31

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This has got to be the worst situation I've ever been in. Having to deal with the crap all on my own, then having to explain everything to them. I feel kind of bad for it, actually. Now, they're trying to figure out what to do while I wish they would do nothing. But, I would like to get everything fixed, that way I can continue killing while Emily doesn't have to do anything.

"Emily?" A faint voice came from beside of me. I glance over to see the woman slowly rising up, showing her slightly bruised face. Dried blood was seen, along with a black eye and a couple scratches.

"Nope, wrong." I deadpanned as I started to move away from her.

She just looked at me with tears building up in her eyes, she knew about this. She knew about everything but yet, refused to accept the fact that her daughter was like this. Everyone told her that I needed the help, or that we needed the help, but she didn't listen, she assumes that she could fix it all on her own. But she was terribly wrong. Maybe, just maybe if she did get the help, there would not be this problem. Emily wouldn't have ever started, her dad would still be alive instead of rotting in a coffin six-feet under, and none of this would have happened.

Why didn't she just accept everything and get the help that the young child needed?

"You are Emily. You are my daughter," She coughed out. "Emily! Listen to your mother this once, please..."

Her tears were flowing out at this point and they didn't appear to be stopping anytime soon. Her hand rose, as if she was going to try to come closer and try to touch me but luckily, the chains held her in place, a good ways away.

"Look, I get it. You want your daughter but right now, it's not Emily," I rolled my eyes. "You know, if you would have gotten her the help and medicine that she needed, none of this would have happened. I wouldn't even be a thing, well... I'd be suppressed."

I narrowed my eyes, glaring at her then looking away to the cold, hard ground. Just speaking about medicine made me sick, most likely because I know what would happen if I started taking it now. I would rather have my life in the hands of Jack and Slender. To think that I'm actually relying on those two for something this serious. It amazes me on how stupid I am for believing them, even after what Jack said.

Jack seems to only want us to part so he can help Emily but does he not realize that it's me who has been doing all the killing. Emily never killed anyone like I have, not to some intensity. She only killed one and that was Tyler, which was kind of good.

"I didn't want to believe them! There was nothing wrong be Cole or Dylan, so I assumed that there wouldn't be anything wrong with her!" She said in a whisper, not trying to bring attention to anyone else.

"Let me get this straight... You thought that just because your other kids weren't screwed up, she wouldn't? Are you kidding?! Just because your other kids are fine doesn't mean that they're all going to be okay! Everyone, Cole and Dylan are different from everyone," I spit, being as loud as I wanted. I didn't care if anyone heard me. "Emily was sick and you did nothing! You had been told over and over, but to no avail, you still refused to get her help. What was is? Your ego?"

Did she seriously think that there was nothing with her? Everyone is different, some have chemical imbalances that can't be helped unless they have the treatment, whether that's medicine or therapy. Not everyone came have all the correct alignment of chemicals.

"You make me fucking sick, you bitch. If you speak to me again, I swear to that God of yours, I will rip the damn chain out of the wall and strangle you with it." I grit, giving her the most disgusted look.

After that little episode, soon footsteps were coming down the stairs. A figure appeared alongside Jack. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering who that was and why he was so short. He looked like an elf that would work with a department store Santa, expect his eyes looked kind of sinister.

He would never work for that, he'd scare the little shits.

It's Ben.

Of course, Emily to rescue.

"Ben, you remember Emily? Meet AJ." Jack said as he pushed him forward, closer to me.

He just stood there, confused. He kept looking back at Jack then at me, repeating it to the point it was making me sick.

"Okay, okay. You need to stop before you snap your neck, little dude." I spit.

His face went red and his hands went into a fist that as causing his knuckles to turn white. Awe, I pissed off the little baby.

"Little dude? Really, Emily? First it's Elf and now this? What-Wait. Jack did you say AJ?" He went off on me then turned to face Jack.

Jack just stood there, but this time I could tell he was irritated. His fingers tapped against the table in a unsteady beat, his free hand was moving around in his jacket pocket, and he was bobbing his head from side-to-side.

"I explained everything, Ben. Don't you fucking listen?"

Jack had to explain all over again about the situation. I just sat there, minding my own business, occasionally looking over at the vile woman. She sat still, silently crying to herself, almost as if she was trying to make it seem like she wasn't here at all. But when she finally looked up, she saw Jack and the other Ben.

Her teary eyes grew in horror, realizing who was standing in the same room as her. She looked as if she was going to say something, her mouth trembled but nothing could come out, just tiny squeaks. Tears rolled down her eyes again, she shook the chains that binded her, almost as if she was going to leap up and attack them.

"And that's her mother," Ben pointed to her. "She looks like she's about to piss herself."

I couldn't help but chuckle a little. It did look as if she was going to, but she just kept crying, trying to speak while shaking.

"You... You're the-the monster who did this to my daughter!" She finally found her voice. It started as a whisper only to gradually grow into a yell.

Jack faced her, then looked at me, as if he was asking for something but soon went to do his own thing. "Emily, AJ. I'm sorry I'm taking this from you."

I raised an eyebrow, not completely understanding what he was talking about.

I know what's he's going to do... Let it be done.

"Cover her eyes," Jack pointed towards me, and Ben came over. I growled at him. "AJ, tell me. You want her gone, yes?"

Ben's hand laid over my eyes, not allowing me to see a single thing but I knew what was going to happen. He was going to kill her.

I'm sorry that this is short, I ended up getting sick with the flu. Aha, great. I didn't even have a chance to edit this part-I will come back to it when I'm better. I may also be a little late with posting the next part. Hopefully everyone is well.

Until then.

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