Chapter 21

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"'I told you to be a good little girl, Emily."'

My eyes shot open. I was looking at a sideways door.

Where am I?

I turned over and realized where I might be.

I lifted up and looked around the room. A window to the right of the bed, a lamp in the corner and white curtains on the window. A gentle breeze blew through the window causing the curtains to fly slightly. I had a feeling, a feeling of knowing, and a feeling of remembering.

But what? What was this feeling?

"Coke!" I heard a voice.

"I told you, it's Cole, not Coke." Another voice groaned.

I stood from the small bed and headed towards the door. The floor was littered with toys, a book bag, kids books, coloring stuff and a doll. Before actually making my way to the door, I stopped and picked up the doll. It was wearing a long, black dress with purple strips. It was a Barbie doll, but with brown hair and blue eyes.

I've seen this somewhere... But where?

I placed the doll back on the ground and grabbed the door, opening it. I looked down the hallway. Left, then right. Four rooms, not including the one I'm currently standing in. This family must have had a lot of kids, with one bathroom.

"Coke!" The voice came back and another grain.

"COLE! C-o-l-e. Cole."

I left the room and followed the voices, once finding them, I just watched from a distance.

There was a little girl following a boy, the boy must be named Cole.

She followed him around, saying 'Coke'. She kept smiling. Her eyes are brown with brownish hair. The boy was blonde with green-blue eyes.

Everything feels familiar. This whole thing feels like I've been through it.

"Cole," The little girl spoke. "Emily's here."

The girl got his name right but said something about me.

"I know, Emily." He said, looking at her, then me. "I know you're here, Emily. I'll protect you from him." He hugged the young girl. "I'll forever protect you, Emily."

That's it. This is me and Cole. Cole and I.

I don't remember this happening, well, some of it happening. I cocked my head and felt a piece of hair fall. I went to move it and seen my hair color.

It's not red, it's not brown. It's the brown, violet bangs, and pink tips. My hair I had when I was fifteen. Last year before I turned into what I am.

"She's realizing." Young Cole spoke.

I don't understand anything that had happened?

"Wake up!" They shouted, causing me to scream.


My eyes shot open and I fell out of bed, with a hard thud. Footsteps roared and my door came flying open.

"Emily, you okay?" Cole asked.

I was shocked. Cole was here.

"What's going on?" He seemed confused by my words.

"What do you mean? It's your birthday. You're sixteen years old." He said in a 'duh' tone.

He left, walking away. I sat on my knees and thought.

It's my birthday. I'm turning sixteen. I still live with mom and Cole, in Michigan? Yeah, that's all here. Am I friends with Micah and Tyler? Oh, my God. Tyler.

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