Chapter 11

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WHOOP UPDATE! AFTER 1,000 YEARS. ;-; I'm sorry,

Staying there the cars stopped, doors opened and people crawled out. The street lamp I was standing under started to flicker, then the bulb shattered. Pieces dropped onto the ground, me, and the cops.


I just stood there. Facing cops, who probably could not see me.

"Run! What are you doing?"

That voice, again.

"Put your hands in the air where we can see them! Now!" Flashlights were shined on me.

I slowly raised my hands, then stopped.

"Have you ever been in a terrible accident? For example, an earthquake?"

"Put your hands in the air!"

I rolled my eyes, and put my hands on the back of my head and turned around. My back was to the cops. I looked to see if there was somewhere I could run to that was a short distance. I sighed and the footsteps got closer.

"Don't try anything funny, officer. Logan wouldn't enjoy... Well, maybe he would."

The footsteps stopped and whispers began.


"Officer Ned's son?"

"He had a son?"

"Yeah, Todd's brother, Ned had two kids. One being Logan Graham.  Eldest son."

"You!" He seemed like he was choking, I glanced over my shoulder. "How do you know my nephew!?"

I smiled and looked back to the front. "I knew him. Cool kid. He's really nice too. Giving me a piggyback ride and all."

"Ned taught him right." He seemed to have not paid attention to my words.

The footsteps started back up again, more than just one.

"Oh my God! What... What the fuck is that?!" One yelled out. I looked to see some officers looking at what was left of Logan.

"Graham.." One trailed off, making Officer stop.

"What?" I dropped my hands and turned towards the group.  The other Graham officer went over to look at the thing of a body.

"What is that?" One said. "Look at the clothing." Said another.

They'll soon catch on, they always do, eventually.

The silence was a major role at the moment. Broken by a song. Someone's phone was going off, coming from Logan. The officers walked towards it, then gasped. I smirked.

They know, I thought.

"Logan..." The Graham officer said. "Logan? that Logan?"

I just stood there, smiling. I raised my hand covered half of my face. My smile gave it away. I was the one who killed him, I'm the crazy one, the insane.

"Answer me, dammit!"

"Pfff. Yes. Logan was killed by me. Frankly, I enjoyed it, every-fucking-part. Slitting his throat, his stomach, stabbing his eye, and mashing his head in. Seeing him the way he was made him look much, much better. Don't you say? I mean, look at him," I shoved officers out of the way and picked Logan up by his shirt. Pieces of the skull dropped, as did his brain and the goop of his eye. "He looks like a piece of art. Not like those artists who just do lines. It more than that. Why so disgusted?"

By the time I was done speaking, some officers ran, some went back to the car for back-up, and some ran to puke. Graham just stayed there, in front of me and his nephew. I smiled, then threw the body at his feet.

"Whatcha gonna do officer?" I inched closer to him. He was panicking but tried to look calm. I was right in his face. Some officers came back and surrounded Graham and I.

"Call your men off, Officer. I don't want them to see what's gonna happen next." He just stood there. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I'll be on my way now. Goodbye Graham, and others."

I started to walk away but the others told me to stop. I went up to one like I did Graham.

"Let me leave. I have nothing better to do here."

"N-no! You are a psychopath. Y-you're coming with us."

"Highly doubt that, sir." He fell to the ground with a thud, a few coughs, and wheezes. He probably couldn't tell I stabbed him right in the liver. After that, I was on my merry way. The other officers didn't say anything to me, but yelled at the officer I stabbed for him to 'stay with me' and trying to get Graham to 'snap out of it'.

Oh what fun, I thought. One major kill, scared a few, and a minor kill. Cool.

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