Announcement II.

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Let's have a little pop quiz! (Everyone gets an A. I love you.)

Question One:
Did Micah and Tyler have a last name?

Question Two:
Why did I end the book like I did?

Question Three:
Do I love you guys?

Bonus Question:
Is there a book two?


Question One:
They did not.

Question Two:
I ended the book like that because I thought it was cool, and there's a chance that I would write a second book!

Question Three:
I love you guys lots. (you honestly have no idea.💓)

Bonus Question:

Bonus Question:

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It's a yes. There is a book two, but it's not yet published. It will be soon! Ps, Tyler and Micah finally get a last name.


This is probably going to be one of the last times that I post in this book (unless it's for editing). I will be posting, or updating this announcement when I have published book two. (ps, for the 162810937th time, that's just a rough draft.)

Again, thank you guys.

Until next time, farewell.

--Update: 03/05/18
Second book is up!

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