Chapter 19

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I just want to say thank you for the reads. It means a lot, really, thank you.


Jack POV

I glared at the boy, while he sat there, watching me. He just looked at me, looking at my clothing, my mask. He was probably wondering about my eyes.

"Let me tell you something, boy," I growled, but he started his sentence.

"For one, I'm Dylan. And two, you're gonna listen to me first," He snapped. "Jack. Oh, Jack. Tell me something, why her? What made Emily different from someone else? Why am I here?"

This little brat was getting on my nerve, interrupting me, and demanding I listen to him, a mere mortal. He is worthless trash in my book, all mortals are. Even Micah. I need to get Slender back here so he can change him, or I could just end his stupid, path

"Tch, such a stupid brat, Dylan. I needed your sister because she possesses an ability. Though she still hasn't figured out how to use it, she's still important. Once she can use it, it will make things simpler for her killing abilities." I got in his face and growled through my teeth. "Once you find out how to use yours, everything will be completed."

I began to walk away, but he called back, like the damned brat he is. I turned back.

"Look, once she uses that, she'll be able to kill without people thinking a person did it. She has two abilities, she only knows one. And you have one. No, I'm not going to tell you." I sighed, mentally. "But I will tell you this, Dylan. Come in a few days, I'm going to inject you with something, and you'll be something else, or... Let's just say you won't be just one person." I smirked and left him there, not listening to him call for me.

I will do this. Get Emily to wake up one of two abilities, then have the injection in him. Once a day is gone, in the injection will be settled, and he'll be back.

I wandered back into the living room to see the boy, Micah. He was just sitting there, looking out the window, watching the storm that hammered down. I walked over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He jumped a little and looked at me. He jumps when people do that? Emily doesn't jump, but he does, he's definitely weak and needs Slender.

"Micah, go hunting. Shed some blood, ignore the storm, just go." I said, letting go of his shoulder. He nodded and left. At least he listens.

"Jack, you still here?" Emily's voice echoed from upstairs. She soon appeared at the top of the stairs. She sat on the railing and slid down, coming down, then stopping me my feet. "I gotta talk to you."

I nodded, "Yes, Emily."

"Let's go hunting." She smiled. I saw that she had her knives and machete with her already.

"No. You're a girl, and you don't want to go out in the rain," I stated simply.

She gave me a disgusted look, "I don't care if it is raining, snowing, hailing, or sunny out. If I want blood, I'm gonna get it. Whether you're coming or not. I'm just being nice and asking if you wanted to come." She hissed, then pushed past me. I grabbed her arm and slung her back in front of me, her landing at the base of the stairs.

"Just because you're being nice and I say no doesn't mean you have to be a bitch about it. Also, just because you're immortal, doesn't make you completely unstoppable. You, me, Ben, Jeff, Slender and much more have a weakness. I could easily take back you immortality, then kill you slowly with even more pain," I growled. "Ripping your stomach open, pulling out every damn organ and cramming them down your throat. Got it?!"

She got up, flicked me off and walked past me again, leaving out the door. I mentally sighed and pinched the bridge of my mask. I need to get her to kill Cole, then kill her damned mother. Maybe the brat downstairs. I sneezed, then headed for the door.

-The Next Day-

I wandered around the woods, calling out for Slender. He arrived, late as ever.

"Yes?" He questioned as he was now in front of me.

"I need a favor. Yes, I know what I'm going to ask isn't the best thing I've ever thought of, but I need you to do this." He cocked his head to the side, moving his hand, telling me to continue, and I did. "I need you to find her mother, make Micah immortal, and... I need you to take Dylan."

"Take Dylan? The young man who almost got you exposed? You need me to take him? Why?" So many questions.

"Yes, Dylan, her brother."

"Brother? I was not notified about this. Why wasn't I?" He roared.

I bobbed my head back and forth. "It didn't seem that important." He's avoiding the thing with Micah. "So, can you take him and about Micah.."

He was no longer in front of me, but beside me. "I'll take the boy, but Micah. He'll stay the way he is. He is bound to die, not by me, you, or her. He will. I'll do what needs to be done, then return him."

"Why will he kill him? We need him alive!" I screamed, not caring if someone was near. I need answers. "He has t-"

"Had." He corrected.

I looked at him. 'Had'? What does... He no longer has it?!

"What happened?! Why doesn't he have it anymore? How can..-"

"I took it, storing it elsewhere. So, in other words, Dylan's body is now only used for a vessel and nothing else." He was about to leave but stopped. "None of this ever happened-this conversation. Never speak about it to Micah or Emily."

I nodded. "Especially Emily." With that, he vanished, and I trailed home, without killing.

Opening the door, I was greeted by Micah and Emily. Both covered in blood, sweat, and open wounds. Emily was snapping at Micah, both bickering back and forth.

"Stop!" I screamed, making them jump, them looking at me. "Both of you, stop you damn bickering and go clean yourselves up. Micah, when you're done go to the woods and find Slender. He has words that need to be said."

They looked at me, then glared at each other, then leaving to fix themselves.

I don't see a point anymore to keep Micah around if he's wanting to kill and fight with her. But, he can't do it, unless he was ordered to do so. He wouldn't kill Emily because of the 'thing' he has for her. When they are together and not fighting, he's watching her every move. When fighting, he wants to kill her, but he won't. Micah is a pathetic killer. If he can't kill the ones he's close with, how does that even make you a killer?

Emily, on the other hand, she's not the pathetic type. She's close to killing her brother, mother and maybe Dylan. She's killed Tyler, her first friend. No, he wasn't her first friend, I was!

Why do I care that? That's not the matter at hand. What is the matter on hand, is Micah, Dylan, Cole, and Emily. Need to keep everything away from her, but once what is done with Dylan, then I can tell her. After what's done is done, I can tell her, and she may be happy with what Slender and I have decided to do.

But would she be happy with that choice of losing someone in order to bring someone back?

I shouldn't care if she's happy! It was my begging to get this going, and it's gonna happen.

Now thinking about it, once that's done, will he take form as him or stay the same? I know Dylan won't be the same.


So school starts Monday and I won't be able to write like I usually do, I'm gonna apologize in advance-I'm sorry.

Also, this is a little shorter, mainly because it's from his point of view, and I lost ideas. :/

What do you think is gonna happen next?

Until next time, farewell.

-ToxicTurtle (TT)

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