Chapter 8

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I woke up to see my ceiling, the ceiling in my house. I popped up quickly and went to my closet, all my clothes were there. My bat was there, too. I looked to see if I had a phone, it was my old one.

Was everything a dream? Was Jack corrupting my mind?

I grabbed my phone and texted Tyler, and down the stairs, I went. Cole was on the couch and mom was in the kitchen. My phone buzzed and it was Tyler.

Tyler: What's up? And Micah says hi.

I sighed in relief. I didn't kill Tyler, I didn't kill anybody else.

Jack, he's taking over my mind. He's gonna break me, inside, then out. I need to make sure he doesn't get to me, I will make that happen. I went back upstairs and got dressed, then back downstairs to eat breakfast.

After eating my breakfast I went out for a walk, meeting up with Micah after a while. Now thinking back, did Micah really know Jack?

"Emily." I turned to look at him. He was wearing a blue tank top and white shorts.


"You seem to be zoning out a lot lately. Are you okay?

I stayed quiet for a bit until something grabbed my arm.


"I'm... I'm fine. I've been thinking about something. That's all." He sighed.

"Jack?" My eyes darted back over to him.

"What?" So he did say something about Jack that day at school?

"Jack. The one that killed your dad and that talked to you when you were younger."

"So, you do know him. And that day really did happen." He nodded as we walked back to my house.

"That day really did happen. I've seen Jack. Plus, I was walking the other day and..." He trailed off, looking away.

"Micah, what happened?"

"I looked up and he was on your roof." My eyes grew wide as Micah looked back at me.

Jack was on my roof the other day, but the other day, I can't remember what happened. I know that dream felt real, I could feel the blood and the tension from everything.

We were at my house, and we sat on the couch, watching TV.

I'm not going crazy, right?

I sighed and got up after about fifteen minutes. I went to the bathroom and was debating to lock the door, but I didn't. I had a glass upside down beside the sink, I filled it and placed it down. Looking in the mirror, I turned on the water, then cupping it in my hands to wash my face. After a few splashes, I turned off the water.

Grabbing the closest towel, I looked in the mirror. I gasped in horror. My hazel eyes are now a blood red. My brown hair was now a purple with a blue tent. I've gotten taller, and I have half a mask on my face. I saw in the mirror that there was someone else there, two others.

To my right, there was the notorious Jack and a bloody carcass. Jack faded away, while the body was standing there, swaying back and forth in a fast motion. It seemed as if it was a glitch. There was a stab wound in his stomach and throat. The head was facing down, showing wounds on the back of his head. His head moved up, ever so slowly. The body was shaking, the face was up, looking at me in the mirror. I knew who it was, Tyler. It was Tyler. In my dream that is what he looked like.

He opened his mouth and a high pitched scream came out. I covered my ears to defeat some sound, but it didn't help. While his scream was going on, something started happening. Snakes, spiders, worms, any type of bugs were coming out of his mouth. The scream stopped, and as did the bugs. I blinked and he was gone, and yes, I was know frozen with fear. I sighed, and he was back.

I looked behind me and there was nothing, but the reflection said otherwise. The reflection showed Tyler beside me, looking at me. His hand was cold to my neck. He slung me around and gripped my throat.

"Now who's the crazy bitch? Now, who's the dick? Emily. Sweet, sweet Emily, this isn't Wonderland, this is Hell." An evil smile rose to his lips, before flexing his hands. I tried to yell out for help, but nothing came out.

"Now you want help? I didn't cry for help. That's not fair. Shush, you slut." His dead lips crashed into mine. His tongue roamed my mouth for a minute. He pulled away and let me go. The inside of my mouth started to burn, as did my throat, and it hurt.

Falling to the floor, with an episode of coughs, he just laughs.

"That ought to shut you up, Emily. It's eating you from the inside out." I choked, on the tears, and for air.

Tyler faded, the door came flying open with Micah coming to my side. The burning stopped when Tyler faded away. Micah held me as I cried.

It was a dream! It can't be real, I texted Tyler! Jack's screwing around with my mind, he's trying to drive me insane. That's not gonna happen. Not now, Not yet.

I sucked up my tears and Micah stood, extending his hand. I took it this time.

"What happened? Please, tell me if you're okay, Emily. I need to know."

"I'm fine, I thought I saw a bug, and then Jack."

"Jack's not here. He can't get in. Let's... Let's just go back downstairs." I nodded, he went out first and I turned to turn the light off. Jack was standing there behind the shower curtain, masked raised. He was smiling, knowing that I let him win this one. I smiled back, cutting off the light and following Micah.

-Two Days Later-

Daylight was creeping in on me. I guess I had fallen asleep on the couch watching some show. I looked around to see if anyone was home, guess not. It was too quiet for two people being here. My phone was buzzing on the table. I had one missed call and tons of messages. The call from some number I didn't know, and most of the messages were from Micah, and one from Cole.

Cole: Hey, I'll be home later. I had to run out for a bit to get a few things. You know, food, drinks. The things we need to live. If you need me, just call. See you soon. AND don't burn down the house.

I rolled my eyes at the message and checked the ones from Micah.

Micah: Emily, I gotta talk to you. It's important!

Micah: Emily... Please.

Micah: I think you're sleeping. But when you wake, please respond.

Micah: It's Tyler.

My eyes grew a little as I replied back.

Emily: Sorry, I was sleeping. What's wrong? What happened with Tyler?

I hit send and waited for what felt like forever. After an hour Micah replied back.

Micah: Tyler, he's missing. He's been gone for two days, and he won't answer his phone.

I texted him, telling him to text everyone who was last in contact with him. I have someone to talk to about his.

Running out the glass door I began going to the trap door in the woods, then I thought to myself.

How am I going to find him? Will he be there?

I kept running to the circle in the woods, hoping that he'd be there. But, in a way, I was nervous to see him. After running for some time, the circle came into view.


I'm so sorry that it's so short! I've been sick, depressed, and I have writer's block. I'll try writing the next part to be longer. I'm so sorry, you have no clue how sorry I am. *sigh* I hope you guys like the story so far. Let me know about any typos etc. Bye for now.


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