Chapter 10

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I still sat on the couch, trying to figure things out. I killed people, I had a dream I didn't kill and Micah was there. I wake up to see I did kill people, and Micah is still here, but a killer.

I sighed and flung my head back to see Jack, upside down. With that scaring me, I ended up dropping the glass.

"Sorry." He walked to the kitchen.

"Wait," He stopped and looked at me. "I'll pick up the glass."

He nodded and walked around the little pieces, at that time I just got what he said before, 'Sorry'. I popped my head up and walked after him.

"Wait, what did you say?" He looked at me and then went back to pick up the glass. "Don't ignore me, Jack."

He just continued to pick up the glass. I sighed and bent down and helped him.

"Don't use your bare hands."

"Speak for yourself, Jack." I rolled my eyes and pick up a shard. I looked over at Jack who dropped a piece. He cut through his glove, showing some skin. A black liquid beaded up, then after a few minutes it disappeared and the skin was healed.

After picking up the glass, the front door came open. I walked to see who or what it was. My jaw dropped. Jack came over, and he stopped, assuming he was shocked.

"Mi-Micah?" He flashed a small smile. He was covered in blood. He had a smaller knife with blood dripping down. His hair was stuck together due to so much blood. He, in a way, looked like me when I started to kill.

"I thought you said-"

"Shut up, Jack."  I walked away, I couldn't be there for some odd reason. Walking to my room, I thought about things. It's fun to kill, but I don't want to. I have to get rid of Jack, the others, and Micah.

-A few days later-

I lay on my bed, looking at the posters I brought, just thinking about more things. I need to get rid of Jack, or just get rid of me. By getting rid of me, Jack, he can't do much, he'd have Micah. Not unless I can help Micah, by talking to a certain person.

A knock came to my door, bringing me from my thoughts. I went to the door and seen Micah smiling. Not covered in blood like last time. I allowed Micah to come in my room, as I was shutting the door something stopped it. I looked down to see a foot.


"Yes," I opened the door. "What is it?"

He could still tell I was pissed about the whole Micah thing.

"I have some news. Some good, some bad, and some ugly." I opened the door all the way, and he stepped in. I didn't bother with the door; I turned to face both. Micah's smile soon faded, and Jack cleared his throat.

"The good news is... Slender told me something about you, that you don't know about." I gave him a puzzled look.

"How is that good? Good for killing, right?" He shrugged his shoulders as if he truly didn't know.

"I have to tell you what he told me later. The bad news is what, or who, Micah killed." He sighed and brought out a piece of paper, handing it to me.

I looked at the name paper, looking for the name. Scanning it for some time, I found the name.

Ned Graham reported dead after finding him with a slit in this throat and eyes ripped out.

Ned Graham... Sounds familiar, but then again...

The officer was off duty. From what was found at the scene, he was buying gifts for the young child, Adrian and eldest son Logan.

Then it came to me, he was the officer from my younger years, when I first had my problems. I shoved the paper back, not caring. Jack put the paper in his back pocket and shooed Micah away.

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