Chapter 3

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We moved at the end of the week, on Saturday, we were at a house when we got there. Mama had looked for a house that was furnished, we sold everything. The furniture, tables, everything. Even the frames on photos. The house we moved into wasn't like the one we had. It had the main floor, basement, and an attic. The main floor had three bathrooms, three bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and a dining room. I liked it better here, I wasn't scared of anything-Jack, anymore. I went to bed that night looking out my window, thinking about Jack. I did miss him a little. Mainly because he was my favorite best friend, he'd come over and play, as well as teach me how to kill. I frowned at the fact that I missed him. I'm not supposed to, he's a killer, someone who said he'd kill my family and I. I finally fell asleep, thinking about my new school I'll be going to.

-Six Years Later-

I woke and felt dizzy, but I shook it off and laid there for another minute. I'd be turning fifteen tomorrow. I felt so young but still old. I sighed and I tumbled out of bed, making my way to the closet, Cole yelled.

"Emily! Hurry up! You're really slow." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my baggy Of Mice & Men tank top, and my basketball shorts.

Cole was nineteen now, and going to college in the fall. He'd been planning on going to Michigan State University way before we moved here in Graham. I really can't remember why we moved in the first place, I do remember that my dad died and was found in the woods. I shook off the thought and ran down the hall to see where Cole was. "Cole! I'm out here!" I looked around in the living room, dining room, then the kitchen. He was making food and looked up at me, and smiled.

"Mom not here?"

"Nope, what do you wanna eat, Emily?"

"Uh, I'll just take a waffle." He nodded, then looked at me.

"You wanna go somewhere today, or you doing something on your own." He questioned.

"Depends what you're doing."

"Shopping for dumb shit." He gave me a look, the look of he knows something I don't.

"What kind of dumb shit?"

He dropped his jaw and rolled his eyes. "I don't know. A few things for me, mama, and for a special person for their birthday."

"Ooooooooooh. I bet that person is lucky for their birthday."

Yeah, I don't think he's the brightest between mama, him and I. "Emily. The birthday gift is for you. Pff and people call me an idiot."

"Cole," He looked at me. "It was sarcasm. Sarcasm, man. Learn."

"I'm nineteen, going to college. You're a freshmen!" I rolled my eyes, and went to the couch and turned on The Simpsons. He'd had brought his food and my waffle, that I kind of forgot about. We watched The Simpsons and ate, it was already eleven and I was too lazy to move. He ended up going to the store for something. I sighed and got off the couch and headed for my phone. The light at the bottom of my phone was blinking. I unlocked it to see things from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, a few texts and a voicemail. I went through the Facebook to see friend requests, messages and people liking my crap. Same with Instagram, and a few followers on Twitter. I checked the text, it was mom, letting me know that she'd be back later. I listened to the voicemail.

There was light breathing that increased to heavier breathing, then a loud thud.

"Emily..." Then it clicked.

I looked at the number that left it, but of course, it was a private number. I tossed my phone on the couch and stepped out on the back deck. I breathed in the air and exhaled to have the sun shining down on me. I stepped into the grass and looked at the fence that was blocking me from getting into the small patch of woods. I've always wanted to be out there to take pictures. I love taking pictures, photography is my main hobbies. I knew Cole wouldn't be back until later, as will my mom. I jumped over the fence, and once my feet hit the ground, Ian came out. Ian's my next door neighbor, he's in my grade and really annoying. He watches me when I'm outside all the time, he always thinks that when Cole or my mom isn't here he has to watch me.

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