Chapter 23

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-A Month Later-

We've been at a house, hotel, motel jumping. One place to another, and it's killing me, not literally though. But, I do kinda hope that we're able to find someplace to call home, with having to leave within a few days.

"Let's just go back," Micah spoke up, looking at a road sign. I just stayed quiet.

I wanna go back, but Jack did something with Dylan. But maybe if I were...

"Emily, get down!" He grabbed my arm, pulling me down into a bush. The two bags we had were on the ground. I glared at Micah, then looked over the little bush, and that's when I saw it. I saw him. Him.

It's Cole. He's still here, in this state. I would have thought that he'd be gone, away from this place. I watched him.

His hair was no longer blonde, it was black, his eyes were still the same. He was walking with a girl who looked a year younger than him. She was really beautiful, long legs, long red hair-like Cherry from The Outsiders.

I felt creepy watching them, even Cole. But I need to do something, I need to do that.

"Cole, I know you're hiding something from me. You know you can tell me anything, babe." She hugged him, and he was hesitant.

"I know, I'm not hiding anything. Promise." He tilted his head twice, gulped three times, and his fists turned white.


"You're lying." She spoke.

She knew him. She knew him like I knew him. They've known each for a while I guess.

"It's just," He stopped. His eyes wandered. "My sister..."

He saw me. No. No, he sees me.

My eyes widen as I realize that he sees me.

"I miss her. I don't see her often, I wish I did, but I can't. There's something wrong with her. I wish to help her, but I don't know how. There's an evil within her and around her. That evil is holding her in the place that she needs to leave. She can't find the exit. It's holding her there, but it seems she broken out." He spoke, not breaking his contact with my eyes.

The girl seemed confused, trying to figure out what he was staring at. I think she... She sees me.

"Is that her?"

He nodded, "Yeah, that's Emily. My little sister."

I looked at Micah, then stood, rubbing the dirt off of me. I looked at both of them, not moving.

"Come 'ere Emily." I flinched, I haven't heard him say my name a lot. I was hesitant. I was about to grab the bag, but instead, I ran. "Emily! Come back!"

Part of that sentence reminded me of something, someone said or yelled before. I know what I'm going to do, and nothing will stop me. Not Micah, Dylan, Cole-no one.

I kept running and running, faster and faster. Ignoring the fact that someone was calling out to me, my heart beating fast, my lungs and legs hurt. I will make it back to the house and see what was going on, and do what I promised.





In that order, is my murdering list. Nothing will mess up the order, not anything or anyone.


I stopped. I just stood there, staring at the house. It seemed quiet, for I knew that something was in there. It looked the same. The bushes were trimmed, and the grass was cut.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now