Chapter 13

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Before leaving, Micah was able to take his mom's credit card when we went back to the cabin. Also, every time we stopped at a gas station, we were able to steal people's wallets.

After driving for days on end, we ended up in Georgia. We switched the driving, so we could sleep. We had about ten credit cards, five hundred dollars cash, and a permit.

As soon as we got there we stocked up on food for the weeks. I went by myself, just in case I got caught, only one would be caught.

A few weeks went by after we resided in a motel, which was only two hundred fifty dollars for the whole week. That night we were watching TV and a knock on the window came.

"You think it's him?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "There's no telling." I got up and opened the curtain with one swift movement.

Micah came over beside me and opened the window, letting him in.

"Come with me. Go to the office and let them know you're thankful for staying here." I rolled my eyes, and Micah went left, assuming to the office.

"I thought you would have stayed back, Jack." I threw my suitcase on the bed and started the process of packing.

"Because it was home at one point? I don't have a real home. I do what you and Micah did. Once caught, leave." He sat on the other side of the bed. "Emily, don't you wish to be normal? Like a normal teenage girl. Go to school, have friends, have boyfriends or girlfriends-if you roll that way. Go to parties."

I finished packing and looked at Jack. Right as I opened my mouth a knock came to the door, making me look over. "It's me. They told me to give the key up." I sighed and let him in.

"I'm not gonna lie, Jack, yes. I kinda wish I was normal, go to school with Tyler, Micah and whoever." My gaze fell to the ground. "I really wish I never killed. But, that's just who I am. I am a killer, not some preppy, skanky bitch. I am me, and I'm proud of it now." I smiled.

Micah was there looking at me, clapping. "You finally know who you are."

I guess Micah was right. I, I guess I do know who I am, and is proud to.

"Wait.." I turned to Jack. "Where are we staying? We were doing so well here."

"So you think." He spoke quietly.

"So you think? Wh-" Jack jumped up, tackling me just to cover my mouth.

"Open up. It's the police." My eyes grew wide, from a distance probably looked like my eyes were popping out.

Micah grabbed the suitcase and placed them outside the window.

"May I ask why you're here? The people in this room have already left. There's no one inside." It was the dude in the office. I remember his voice.

"To the window, now. Micah you first. Quietly." Jack said in a hushed tone.

My attention went back to the door, with another knock, well, more like an attempt to break in. Jack got off of me, mentioning me to stay quiet.

I grabbed my phone. Then heard the men outside.

"I need you to open this door! There are two killers back on the lose. They trackers signal is coming from this room. Open the damned thing."

I placed my phone back down, leaving Micah's there. Our phones had trackers. When did they start working? God dang it!

Another bang came from the door, almost taking it off the hinges. I grabbed the phone, took off my password and left a little note.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now