Chapter 4

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-Two Days Later-

We finally arrived at the house to see the windows opens and Cole comes out the front door with a smile.

"Hey," He walked up to me and hugged me. "I've missed you!"

"You're the asswipe that left us. Jerk."

"Wow, really? That's the way you're gonna greet me?" He moved his arm over his forehead, all dramatic like.

"I don't know why you're happy we're back here. Just a few days ago you were complaining about coming back here. What happened?"

His smile went away and mama came over. "Cole, Emily, help me?" We nodded and went to unload the car while the movers went into the truck and brought things into the house. I grabbed my boxes, while Cole got some of mine and mamas.

"Which room is mine?" I was walking up the stairs, beside of  Cole.

"This one," We walked to the end of the hall and walked in. "It's not the same room you stayed in before. This was dad's office." I placed my boxes down and he placed down one, then left. I saw a huge window and it even had a balcony. My mattresses, bed frame, and boxes were in my room. I have a bigger room, meaning, more space for posters, a lot more. I giggled to myself and went back to the stairs. Passing the first room that had the door shut. I went to it and opened it. It was fully furnished. I stepped in and looked around, all it had was little kid things. Toys, books, games, and even a small book bag. I grabbed the book bag and sat on the bed, opening it I saw things you'd need in a book bag. Something caught my eye, it was black with a little bit of blue. I pulled it out to see a man with some brown hair sticking out behind a blue mask, with something black dripping down. He was standing in the corner, the same corner in this room. Why?

I looked on the back to see who drew it.

'Emily Burns. My Best Friend, Jack. 6/09/2007'

Did I draw this?

Did I see this man?

Did I know this man?

I looked at the drawing, placing the book bag down and went to the door. I was stopped by Cole, his eyes were wide. I quickly put the picture behind my back, under my shirt.

"What are you doing in there?" I walked out if the room then shut the door.

"I was just looking, I mean, this was my old room."

"I don't care, you shouldn't be in there. Not yet at least." And he walked away.

I went back to my room, and took the picture out and played in on top of the boxes. I moved the other boxes and started to unpack.

Once getting all my clothes in the closet and some in the dresser beside the closet door. I went to the next box with my band posters and CDs. I grabbed the tape out of the box and began to hang up the posters, and left the CDs in the box because I couldn't put them on my bed, or my CD tower. I put up a few posters, then smiled to myself. My Of Mice & Men posters were amazing and I loved them so much, as for my Bring Me The Horizon posters, too.

Within four hours, I got my bed frame setup, my bookshelf, CD tower, TV hooked up, game systems connected and my mattresses on the frame. All I had to do next was unpack my books, I had everything else unpacked. It was Monday, June eighth. The school I would be going to would end on twelfth. I might as well go and take the exams they have, pass, and meet new people to have friends and not be a loner over break.

I stood and looked at what I accomplished within a few hours. I walked out, and down the stairs to everything downstairs in place. Mama was in the kitchen, while Cole was somewhere.

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