Chapter 15

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I'm gonna do a POV with this chapter, maybe some others, too. I thought I would just let you know.

Now, onward to le story.


Micah POV

"You smiled a real smile! Fuck yes! The other smile from before was fake, I knew that. I wanted to make you smile, and I did!" Emily pointed at me smiling.

"Good to see you happy" I mumbled to myself, assuming she couldn't hear me.

She sat at the bar, while I looked to see what we have. We're gonna need some food soon.

"Micah," I glanced over my shoulder, then looking back at the cabinets. "Why didn't you pull the trigger? I know Jack wasn't the only thing holding you back. I saw it in your eyes that you wanted to. Was the temptation of blood getting to you?"

I just tried to ignore the fact that she asked that. "Micah, please, I want to know." She spoke, hearing the stool scratch across the floor, and footsteps coming to me.

A knock erupted from the door, making her stop. "I'll get it."

She started to walk towards the door, then spoke before turning the knob. "You'll explain later."

Gulping, I found something to fix. Liking my findings, I started up the grill for the burgers, and the fryer for fries, and pots for the corn.

"Micah, come in here." Jack must have come to the door. Leaving the things there, I walked in.

"Good, you've done what I've asked, next," He looked at Emily. "You have to kill Cole now. He's being tracked. Did you see his phone on the table?"

She nodded, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

He cleared his throat, looking at me, then at her. "Did you send any messages from that phone, or did it get any messages?"

"It got a message, that's all. Just a picture of my mom and Dylan. They're in this state." She spoke, pulling out the phone, showing him whatever it was.

Dylan? Who is he?

"The young boy, I've seen him somewhere before. I'm going to go find him and bring him here. Who is he, to be exact?" He seemed confused, well, me and him both.

"I went to talk to Cole, he told me he was here with my mom, and him, Dylan. Cole finally told me that Dylan is my twin brother. I didn't believe it at first, but then the message came in, clearing that shit up." She leaned back on the couch.

"Why didn't they tell you about him if he's your brother? Your twin brother." I asked they looked at me, a little startled. I had been kinda quiet.

"Don't know." She said simply, Jack was headed for the door.

"Oh well, I'll get him." The door shutting, leaving me in the frame between the kitchen and living room, and Emily relaxing on the couch.

She stood, coming over to me. "Move." I stepped out of the frame and let her into the kitchen.

"You've been cooking everything for a while now. I'll do some cooking." She glanced at me, then back at the supplies. "Don't give that look. I know how to cook. I won't burn down the place. Promise." She smiled, taking the burgers out of the package, then placing them on the grill.

I walked over to the counter and leaned against it, watching her. She wasn't short, she was like five foot ten. Comparing her to me, she's short. I'm about six four. It felt creepy watching her, but it wasn't a kinda of sexual way, just observing to make sure she won't kill us.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now