Chapter 2

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I turned behind me to see Jack looking at Cole, I looked back at him. He wasn't speaking.

"Jack! Have you seen my daddy? I told him to come out here, he did, but you weren't here."

He bent down and picked me up, still looking at Cole.

"I spoke with him, he's a nice guy. He even said that you're allowed to come outside and play without your brother with you. He told me he'll be back in the morning. He wanted to do" I looked at Cole with a surprised look. I smiled and laughed while Cole just stood there.

"Cole, this is Jack. He's the one who taught me those things. He said I'm doing good! I might even be able to help him, too!"

Cole's eyes had water streaming down them, I don't know why.

"Em-Emily... Uh, s-sir. Can you p-put my s-sister d-d-down please?" It was like he was falling over words. I looked at Jack, and he put me down, and right as I put my feet on the floor, Cole took me by my hand and ran inside. I looked behind me, Jack stood there watching us. We ran into the house, he locked the sliding door and put me in my room. "Stay here, Emily, please." He locked my door and I heard him run away down the hall. I wanted to see Jack.

"Cole, let me out! I wanna see Jack! Please! Cole!" I whined as I heard two different sets of feet. I hit the door as hard as I could, my hand hurt after that. Mama and Cole were at the door. Mama picked me up and followed Cole out the sliding door.

"I saw him! That thing, Jack, h-he was here! I saw him. He picked her up, and spoke to her like they'd known each other since I don't know how long." Cole was breathing hard and was looking around. Mama placed me down and went to Cole. He was crying.

"Where is your father?" Mama asked Cole.

"The man s-said that he went s-shopping," Cole responded back to her. I looked around to see if he was hiding, and he was. He was standing at the foot of the stairs, looking at me. I walked toward the open door and went back inside to him. I yawned as I grasped his hand. We walked upstairs to my room and he tucked me in bed, and he sat on my bed as if he was waiting for something to happen. I heard the sliding door shut, and mama called out. "Emily!"

"I'm in my room."

"Okay, just making sure, sweetheart. Cole's going to be up there in a minute."

I looked at Jack, who stood and went to the dark corner of my room. It seemed like he wasn't even there. Cole opened my door slowly and then making his way inside.

"Emily. Your friend, Jack. I'm sorry if I scared him by doing what I did, but I don't think it's safe to be with him." He hesitated before he sat on my bed.

"I.. I want to show you something. Please stay here." He got up and left, but soon returned with the laptop with a page pulled up. It had a picture that looked like Jack. He got under the covers with me and laid it on our laps.

He read it aloud to me, how he went by 'Eyeless Jack'. He'd kill anybody, rip out their kidneys and then eat them. I didn't want to believe that the Jack I know is the Jack that did all that.

"I don't believe you! He'd never do that! I won't believe you unless I see a full out picture." Right as I said that he pulled up a picture of him. He was looking right at the camera with blood all over him. I shook my head as he shut the laptop.

"No! He'd... He wouldn't! He's nice to me, Cole. You don't know him."

"Neither do you, Emily. Why do you not understand that he's gonna kill you, and probably us! Why can't you understand that the police are telling everyone to stay away from him, and report him to the police if we see him? That's why dad was freaking out, he doesn't want his little girl taken from him. I don't want my baby sister taken, and neither does mom. Nobody wants to lose you, we love you way too much. Please, Emily, just... stay away from him. If you see him, please tell us. We don't want to find you with your-I mean- we don't want to see you dead. Dad might even.." He was almost in tears, I hugged him then breathed in, then out.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now