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I do understand that I had some complications with updating this like I was supposed to. I wasn't able to update due to some reasons, and for that, I will explain as much as I can without giving out too much information.

Back when I started this book, I was okay (if that even makes any sense), but as I continued to write and update, I got older. With that, things at my home was not the best, and I started to distance myself away from everything. And I mean everything. I stopped going to school, I stopped talking to my friends and family, I stopped taking care of myself properly. It had gotten so bad that I was taken to the hospital and had to stay there for a while. They diagnosed me with several things and ran numerous tests. (Pretty much came up with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.)

After I was better, I was released from the hospital and carried on with my life. Fast forward a little and I ended up dropping out of high school because I kept ending up in the hospital due to me passing out anywhere; in school (bathroom, classroom, etc.), out in public, at home, friends house, and in a friends car. But, I did get my GED and currently in community college.

I was admitted back into the hospital and ended up staying in the hospital, again for four days. I was told my salt levels were low, then that's when I was told I wasn't drinking enough. Soon after, the doctors told me I had this weird ass word that's difficult to pronounce and spell, so speech-to- text it is.

Vasovagal Syncope.

They made me do this test where I laid down on my back, then sat up. Then stood up from the sitting position. As I did that, my blood pressure dropped terribly. I couldn't halfway see, I felt sick, and my hearing had partially went out. (Not 100% sure if that is true because the hospital I was at is kinda really shitty, shady, and had screwed over a lot of my family members (pretty much diagnosed some of them wrong and almost killed us.))

The last time I was in the hospital was back in November.

This was way longer than I expected, but part of me was wanting to tell those who still kept up with this book after all the time I passed. I'm still planning on going back and fixing some punctuation and grammar mistakes.

But again, thank you for everything you guys have done. All the comments, votes, and reads. It may not be a lot, like other books, but it still makes me so damn happy that people have actually taken the time to read it.😭❤

Oh! And another thing I wanted to say was...

What if I told you that I'm thinking about a second book to this?

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