Chapter 24

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Emily POV

I still cannot get over the fact that he's here, alive.

He looked around and made his way, with me behind, into a room. Micah's room. Everything in Micah's room looked the same, minus the fact that we have different sized rooms, different wall color, and furniture. Tyler just looked around, I didn't bother.

"This room belongs to Micah, doesn't it?" I nodded, "Of course, he and that dammed color gray. He always loved that color, maybe Jack knew and did it for him."

I just looked at gray walls with picture frames with nothing in them, a dresser with barely anything on it. The bed wasn't made as if he just woke from a deep sleep. Typical.

Tyler sat on the bed, then motioned me to join beside him.

It's Tyler, trust him.

You can't, his job is to kill you. Do not.

He still loves me.

No. It's a lie. Don't believe a lie. Especially that lie.

He seems-

Yes, just because he seems, doesn't mean anything! He could have hidden some kind of weapon under the messed up comforter, then when I sit, he'll kill me.

But he can't kill me. I'm immortal.

That doesn't mean shit, he was awoken by Jack and Slender, who knows how to kill an immortal. Do. Fucking. Not.

My thoughts consumed me. My id and ego were battling within me. My superego wasn't going to do anything to settle the internal flame.

But I made up my mind. I stayed right where I stood.

Not today, Satan. Not today.

"Emily, come sit." He insisted.

"No, I'm good. Thank you, though." I gave an awkward smile, as he just frowned.

"So, tell me. What all have you done while I was sleeping?" He questioned.

Oh, this is going to be really fun.

I pondered for a bit, then inhaled and began the whole story. From the very beginning to the very end, and what's going to happen in the future.

"Up to this point, I will kill my brother, Cole, then my mother." I stopped. "Then myself. A double murder-suicide."

The whole time Tyler just sat there, looking at me like I was crazy. I told him everything, everything. From when I was born, and my father, to moving, coming back, that summer, the killings, him, Jack, moving again. Every possible thing that has lead up to this point right now.

"So, you say Cole was with a girl?" I nodded. "Maybe he finally got laid."

I rolled my eyes, he laughed at what he said.

"My brother?"

I didn't expect him to ask about Micah, hell, I didn't even tell him about Micah trying to kill me, or possibly having a thing for me. I might as well.

"Micah's doing well. He tried to kill me at one point because he found out I sorta killed you..." I lingered, not wanting to tell him the other part.

"There's more to it, tell me." He insisted, yet again.

Dear God.

"We left this house after something happened, and stayed in different places. We stopped one Wednesday at a motel, and we watched American Horror Story and he confessed, I think, to have feelings for me. Then to Wal-Mart or something, we went." I smiled, nervously, hoping that he'd laugh at the Wal-Mart part.

He didn't. He saw right over that. He had a straight face when I told him about the moving, a smiling face about the show, then frowned about the confession, and with the Wal-Mart, his face grew red and knuckles white.

"No! You cannot like Micah! You can't! You can't! You can't!" He screamed, that loud piercing scream.

That scream would kill. It broke the windows and mirrors in the room and made me try to block out the noise by covering my ears.

"NO! I DON'T LIKE MICAH. I DON'T, I DON'T!" I screamed, hoping it would be loud enough, and he soon stopped.

He stopped screaming and looked at me with a smile.

"Okay, good." He said calmly and with a smile.

This worries me a little, the fact that if something happens and he doesn't like it, he'd scream. I'm pretty sure that if he does that three more times, I'd soon be deaf. I need to leave and find Micah and let him know that Tyler's back, then tell him not to mention anything about us. Even though we didn't do anything, I don't need anyone going deaf.

I sighed, and the door opened, showing Jack.

"Ah, Emily, you're back." He spoke in a calm manner. "I'm sorry for what I did, but it's okay. Tyler's back."

Jack's trying to be buddy-buddy with me again, then again...

"Yeah, I'm back, and what happened to Dylan?" I questioned him while stepping back a little.

"Simple, child. I merely took his soul and put it elsewhere, and brought back Tyler's." He said calmly.

"Doesn't answer it." I retorted.

He sighed, he spoke yet again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I removed Dylan's soul into...this."

He pulled a stuffed animal from behind his back. It was a fox plushie. The animal was ador- No! Stop.

"You put Dylan's soul into a toy," I yelled. "Why?!"

Jack tossed the toy to me. I caught it and it spoke. "Emily? Oh god, Emily. I'm a fucking toy fox! Help me!"

Oh my god. Dylan.


It's been, like, two or three months. I feel bad for putting this out because it's shorter than usual.

UGH!! :(

I'm so, so, so, so sorry. You have no idea! I've been sick, my ex cheated on me with my best friend the whole time we dated, and writer's block was like: Oh hi, you gon have no ideas for this long. lol, screw you, TT.

I am really sorry that it's also short like I said, writer's block. It's terrible. I'm sorry.

Until next time, farewell.

-ToxicTurtle (TT)

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