C H A P T E R ~ T H R E E

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His name sounded weirdly familiar...

Oh! This is Juleka's brother! 

I was shocked to she him here though. I remember her telling us that Luka didn't attend our school because their mom didn't want one twin to over shadow the other, or she was afraid that they would be seen as the same, even though they were totally different people, just because they were twins! Which was understandable. 

"But what are you doing here at College François Dupont? Didn't your mom want you to go to different schools because of the whole twin thing?" I asked.

He gave me a soft smile which made my stomach fill with butterflies. 

"Actually, my mom thought that we were old enough to decide for ourselves whether or not we wanted to attend the same school. I wasn't really close with any of the people at mine, and Juls is always talking about how amazing and friendly all the people at her school are, so I thought that I would give it a go!" I grew all fuzzy inside knowing that Juleka thought well of me.

I sat down in the desk I had originally going to sit in, when a thought appeared in my head. 

I turned towards Luka, "Hey!" I exclaimed holding out my hand. 

He took my hand and shook it, "Didn't we just do this a few moments ago?" 

I giggled at what he was doing, not what I had in mind. He started to laugh nervously, "What? Am I doing it wrO-" I swiftly yanked him down on the bench with me. 

My intentions were to pull him down right beside me and we would have a good laugh! But apparently, I underestimated how strong I was and ended up pulling him right on top of me!

I was afraid that we were going to collide, so I squeezed my eyes shut. 

When I felt no weight whatsoever on top of my body, I opened me eyes. 

My breath hitched and I immediately flushed when I noticed that Luka was inches away from my fucking face and straddling me! 

We were both multiple shades of red as we were just laying there looking into each others eyes. 

Luka finally got up out of the position and let go of a breath I had been holding for what felt like forever! He helped me up out of the position as well, and we just sat there in awkward silence all flustered and sweaty.

"So..." he started to say, finally breaking the tension in the room which seemed to be getting hotter by the minute. 

"So..." I repeat. We both looked at each other in unison. 

"We agree never to speak of this situation again, right?" He asked, still a little red. 

I nodded frantically, "Agreed!" 

Soon, the bell rang, and students started filing in the classroom and finding their seats. 

Let the fun begin.


My friends had to go put their stuff in their lockers. But since I was here before all of them, I had gotten shit done and decided to abandon them to go to the classroom. 

I wanted to get a good seat, so I headed up the stairs and reached the doorway. 

I was about to go in, when I hear a loud thud in the back of the classroom. 

I look over in the direction of the sound, and I see a blue haired person straddling someone. 

I rolled my eyes, "Get a fucking room already." I muttered to myself.

As much as I wanted to leave and give them privacy, curiosity took over as I wanted to know who these two lovers were. 

It took a moment of awkward silence in the room, but I saw blue hair start to get up. 

I got a look at his face and recognized him as my friend Luka from the band I'm in, Kitty Section. 

What Is he even doing here though? Oh well! 

Just then, he reached his arm out to help the other person up. 

I squinted my eyes to see who it was. It took me a moment, but my eyes widened when I identified her as none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 

And not just regular Marinette, oh no! It was flustered Marinette! But this was more flustered than I had ever seen her! She was like, thirteen different shades of red!

A smile crept to my face, "Bingo." I muttered under my breath. 

Now I have the perfect thing to get back at her for making me look like a damn loser this morning! 

I decided to wait in the hall until the bell rang.

When The usually dreaded noise came, it sounded like music to my ears! 

I walked in and tossed my bag on my preferred seat. A smirk formed on my face as I walked over to where Marinette was sitting with Luka. 

Our eyes met and she looked annoyed and rolled her eyes, she reminds me of someone...wait! Back to the task at hand! 

I started to bend down to her level and she started to move her head back. I prevented her from doing do by cupping my hand at the back of her head. I moved my lips to her ear as her breath hitched. 

I then whispered two simple words to her at a volume only she could hear, "I know..." 

I then stood back up and watched her face go from confident and bold, to confused, to realization and horror. She made eye contact with me and had pleading eyes. 

I smirked a the reaction I had gotten from her. "I think it's best we talk. Does lunch work?" 

To this, her mouth slightly parted, which I took as a yes. 

"Great! See ya then!" And with that, I turned on my heel and made my way back to my seat leaving her dumbfounded. 

This will be fun...


Sup Bugaroos! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Any theories on what you think will happen next? Hmm? Anyone? Well, your just have to read the next chapter to find out! I am very pleased with how this book is turning out so far, I hope you guys are too!

Once again, Please vote, comment, follow and share this book with your people! 

Fact 4: I have traveled to eight countries!

Love you so much my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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