C H A P T E R ~ S I X T E E N

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"Well, he's really cute."

I feel like I have heard that voice before, so out of curiosity, I turned to see the face that belonged to the voice. When I saw her, my eyes lit up almost instantly.


I ran up to her and practically jumped into her arms, "What the hell are you doing here?" I excitedly questioned.

She reciprocated the hug by patting my back a few times, "Nice to see you as well, Mare-Bear." My eyes widened as I realized how I greeted my babysitter of eight years and quickly let go, "Oh my god! I am so sorry, but I have just missed you so much, really!"

I squeezed her harder to show her that I truly was sorry. She started to squirm a bit, "Mare-Bear! I missed you very much, but -GASP- I can't breathe!" She pried herself out of my grasp and took a few deep breaths.

 I giggled at her antics, I was just so happy to see her. I haven't seen or heard from her in three years! She left a bit before I had gotten my Miraculous.

"So, what brings you here after all these years? I mean, as much as I would like to believe that you came here, solely to see moi, I know that you have a life."

Bridgette had lived in Paris all her life, but moved three years ago to go study abroad in London. When she left, I had no way to contact her, so we lost touch, but I'm glad that she's back whatever her reasons are!

She blushed after I asked her the question. It took me a second, but my face lit up as soon as I realized why she reacted that way, "Oh my god! So, who's the lucky guy?" I slyly asked, poking her shoulder.

She let out a lovesick sigh, "His name is Felix! He's tall, strong build with blonde hair and sparkling green eyes! He also has the cutest freckles! He usually has a very stand-offish personality, but I was able to seep through the cracks and find my way to his heart!"

I hummed in response, "So, how long have the two of you lovebirds been together?" Her face immediately had a guilty expression laid upon it as she played with her fingers, avoiding eye contact, "About five years..."

My mouth dropped onto the sidewalk, "Your telling me, that you kept a relationship from me, for five fucking years? We're practically sisters!" I scolded her for not telling me about such a big part of her life with me.

She giggled nervously and scratched the back of her neck, "I'm so sorry, I really am! It's just that Felix asked, no, demanded, that we keep out relationship on the down low. He has a 'reputation to hold up' or whatever! But trust me! It almost slipped out millions of times when we were hanging out, y'know why? Because I wanted to tell you so fucking bad!"

She took both of my hands in hers and looked me in the eye, desperate for forgiveness. 

Y'know, for a twenty-two year-old woman, she can be very manipulative when she wants to be!

I held a straight face for as long as I could, looking into her baby-doll eyes (You all know that I can't resist those baby-doll eyes!) and I gave up and let out a long sigh, "Ugh! Fine! I forgive you, but you have to tell me all the details tonight!"

She nodded frantically, "Yes! Anything for the sake of our relationship!" I laughed at her dramatic performance and led her up to my room.

We talked for hours on end, just catching up about our love life, Paris, London, school, etc.

When we were all caught up, I asked, "So, when do I get to meet him?"

She gave me a questionable glare, "Who?" I just scoffed and shoved her a bit, "Y'know, the guy who is dating my friend, dumbass! that's 'who'!"

Her eyes widened and she almost looked embarrassed to not have realized it sooner, but she shook it off and answered my question, "Well, I was planning on having dinner in a couple days! He has a cousin that's about your age! So, maybe while Felix and I talk, you can hang out with his cousin!"

I gave her a toothy grin and hugged her, "I can't wait!"

I was especially excited to meet his cousin!


As I was admiring the letter, I heard my door open. I freaked out and threw the letter in the trash out of panic. Plagg noticed this too, and flew behind my pillow. I stood straight, looking to the doorway.

I almost instantly relaxed and took a deep breath that the person was not Grace. But my relaxed composer was completely lost and replaced with an ecstatic grin.


I ran over to him and attempted to give him a bear hug, when a large hand stopped me before I was in arms reach. Right, my cousin is not the biggest fan of affection...

I stood up and rubbed the back of my neck out of embarrassment, "Sorry..." I sheepishly mumbled. "So...what brings you to Paris after all this time? I thought you were in London?"

His dull stare evolved into a slight smirk, hey I'll take what I can get!

"I'm actually here to meet my girlfriend, so don't think that I'm here to see you."

I just stared at him in shock, but it was replaced with me asking him everything off the top of my head, "You have a girlfriend? When did you meet? When did you start dating? Do you love her? How did this happen? And when can I meet her?"

Even after I had bombarded him with questions, he still seemed unfazed and answered my questions with ease, "Yes, I have a girlfriend. We met out first year of high school. We've been dating since junior year. Yes, of course I have told my girlfriend of five years that I love her, I'm not heartless! I honestly have no clue how it all happened. And you can meet her at dinner in a  few days, but only if you want to."

It took me a few minutes to process all the information I had gotten in thirty seconds. I had never expected my cousin, the the ice queen, to have a girlfriend! But I was so excited to meet the person that forced their way into Felix's heart.

"Really? I would love to meet her! What's her name?" I was bouncing around like a hyper puppy, happy that my cousin has someone to love.

He snickered at how giddy I was, "You ask too many questions, you know that, right?" I let out a sheepish chuckle and he continued, "Anyways, her name is Bridgette." "Bridgette! That's a beautiful name!"

He gave me a single nod in response to my statement, "Oh! Right! Bridgette has a friend that is around your age. She wanted her to meet me because they are 'practically sisters' and whatnot. She will be attending the dinner as well."

I was so excited, but I was given a reality check, "I would love to go, but I am grounded for two weeks..." "I know, which is why I got permission from whatever her name is to let you out as long as you stayed within my sight."

I was shocked that he had gotten Grace to let me out for a couple hours! She is very stubborn and will rarely budge. Well, who am I to question things? I'm going to be officially un-grounded for a couple of hours! And I get to meet Bridgette and her mystery friend!

I wonder who she could be...


Hey Bugaroos! I'm so sorry that I didn't update yesterday! I had some family drama going on and didn't have access to a device. But! I am back and plan to stay! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share this book and follow me! I want some friends!

Fact 18: I love to draw!

Love you all so much my Bugaroos! MWAH!  

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