C H A P T E R ~ F I F T Y - T H R E E

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!WARNING! This chapter has events of sexual harassment and assault. I will advise you not to read this if you don't feel comfortable with topics like this !WARNING!


"Leave me alone, Luka..." I seethed through clenched teeth.

He simply smiled, "Now what way is that to greet a friend?" He taunted.

I gulped. I wasn't about to let this manipulative music man take control of the strings of my life any more! I ripped my wrist from his tight grip, and started to massage it, relieving me of some pain. I looked him dead in the eye, giving him the death glare of my life.

"Guys," I stated in a hushed tone, "Would you mind leaving us alone for a few minutes" I asked, still facing Luka.

They all looked unsure, but eventually moved to another section of the school, leaving Luka and I alone in the empty hallway.

"So, what was so important to tell me in private? Hmm, Marinette?" He asked in a playful tone.

My brow furrowed, "I wanted to make something clear. We're over. We will always be over. You have treated me like shit, even though I gave you multiple chances to started over and be a better person! But what did you do with all of those do-overs? You took it for granted, and decided to cheat!" I raged.

Luka's confident and cocky demeanor faltered for a second, revealing a broken person who was hurting inside. But as quickly as it had come, it had gone and was replaced by his asshole demeanor.

"Hey, I just came here to say 'hi' and ask how you were doing. I didn't come over to get tangled up in your twisted fantasy of what had happened." He retorted.

I was in awe at this point, "Twisted Fantasy? You think that what we had gone through together was a twisted fantasy?" I asked in a hushed toned.

He snickered, "To be honest, I don't know why your making a big deal over all of this." He started, inching closer and closer to me, "Sure, you can be mad at me, but both of us know that you can't stay mad at me for long..."

At this point, he had backed me up against the wall with his hands on the wall, pinning me. I was trapped. I started to feel beads of sweat run down my forehead as he grabs both of my wrists, and pinned them to the wall as well. 

I fell my breath get shaky and shallow and I start to squirm, trying to get away, "L-let go of me!" I protested.

He just smirked, and leaned in closer. I clenched my eyes shut and turned away from him, only for him to harshly grab my face, and turn it back to face him. I yelped in surprise and my eyes shot open in fear. The once mesmerizing piercing blue eyes that I could get lost in for hours have turned cold and icy.

"Learn to loosen up a little Marinette, it'll make things go faster..." He coaxed.

I could feel warm tears running down my face. I was frozen in fear and I didn't know what to do. He let go of my face, and his hand trailed down my neck, and traced the new scar on my collar bone  and he continued to put his lips on the scar and started to suck, which made me shiver with unease. He then let his hand drop to my chest, and I immediately tensed up.

I could feel the smirk he had on his face due to my reaction  and I felt his grip tighten harshly on both my wrist and my breast. I yelped at the sudden sense of pain, but it was muffled by Luka's lips crashing onto mine.

I squirmed kicked trying to get him off of me and cried even more, 'Why is this happening? What did I do?' Once he released the kiss, I was fed up.

"G-get off of me, y-you bastard!" I yelled.

He cunningly smiled, "I don't think so, sweethea-"

Are You All That Bad? |Miraculous: Enemies to lovers|Where stories live. Discover now