C H A P T E R ~ T W E N T Y - T W O

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I was frozen in horror as I saw Chat standing in the doorway. He had just dropped what looked like a bouquet of flowers and a card. But his hand was still gripping onto a big balloon that had 'Get well soon!' spelled out in big, bold, colorful letters.

He had a look of pure shock, and in his eyes, I could sense the speck of hurt.

I felt really bad about the situation that Chat had walked in on,

A make out session!

I blushed in pure embarrassment at the thought of him  seeing Luka and I kiss like there was no tomorrow. Just thinking about if I were in Chat's shoes made me want to dig myself a hole and die!

I was shaken out of my little daze, when I heard both men ask, "What the hell are you doing here?"

I timidly shrunk back into the bed because I was in the middle of a shit-show-sandwich. This was going to get awkward real fast...

After a few moments of death glares exchanged between the two men, Chat spoke up, breaking the uncomfortable silence (Thank god!)

"I was here to have a fun night and cheer her up. Also to make sure that she's okay, you?"

He was trying to be as civil as humanly possible, but I could tell that he answered the question through gritted teeth.

Luka scoffed and replied, "Oh, I was already here. I making sure that she was alright and cheering her up, By kissing her."

As he stated the last part, both Chat and I visibly tensed up and an awkward energy filled up the room once more. I look over to see the anger and jealousy fuming off of him.

'Why is he acting like this?'

Chat's reaction to his comment gave Luka visible pleasure as a conniving smirk made it's way to his lips.

"Now, I see that you brought some gifts for Marinette, very thoughtful. Now drop them off and leave. You're not wanted here, got that, Alley Cat?"

I was now glaring holes straight into Luka's head. What Chat was doing was perfectly fine! He was dropping off some gifts and was planning on cheering me up!

But I bet that Luka saw this 'friendly' gesture, as a threat.

My stare moved it's way to Chat. He was visibly hurt by Luka's words: His mouth was parted, his eyes were filled with sadness and shock, and his ears drooped. Chat's hurt eyes finally met my stare.

"Marinette-" he whispered. 

I gave him a look of sympathy. I just wanted to tell him that everything was fine, but Luka butt in before I could get a single word out.

"Hey! Don't talk to her! Your not fucking wanted! Get that shit inside your thick skull, dumbass!"

At this moment, I was enraged with Luka: he had unnecessarily insulted Chat, the person who saved my life! He had assumed my one feelings and thoughts for me. And on top of that, he still thought that he was the one in charge! He had crossed the line.

"Actually Luka," I stated as loud as my voice would allow me, "You can get out..."

At this, his undying glare of hatred to Chat was now torn from him, and replaced by a shocked, wide-eyed stare to me.

"W-what?" He shakily questioned.

"You disrespected my friend for trying make me happy, You spoke for me on my opinions and feelings, when in fact, I felt quite the opposite, and not only did you hurt him, but you hurt me with all that bullshit that came spewing from your mouth! So, yeah! You can get the fuck out of my sight!"

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