C H A P T E R ~ F I F T Y - F O U R

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I can't believe Adrien of all people had just done that for me! I mean, up until a few weeks ago, he has been nothing but an asshole to me. Did something click in his mind that he was being a shit human being to me for the past three years?

Because right now, the person comforting me on the floor of an empty, dirty and dingy school hallway is someone I feel who genuinely cares about me!

His cheek was buried into my hair and he was rubbing circles on my back with his thumb that really seemed to sooth me. His arms were wrapped respectively, yet intimately, around my waist. I was hesitant at first when he offered to comfort me, based off of the traumatic situation I had just experienced, but something told me that nothing but good would come from this...

Which was definitely odd...

I raised my face from his shoulder and looked him in his electric green eyes, "Th-thank you... f-for what you did..." I expressed.

He gave me a genuine smile, "I'm sorry that that happened to you, Marinette. I'm here if you want to talk about anything, but I understand if you don't want to..." he explained.

I wiped my runny nose with the back of my hand and smiled, "Th-thanks, but right now, I just want to go home..." I stated, breaking down into more tears.

He nodded, not minding the girl that was straight up ugly crying in front of him. He helped me to my feet and just as we were about to walk to the exit of the school, we heard Luka start to stir.

I instantly froze in fear, but Adrien grabbed my hand and  looked me in the eyes, "Hey, I can treat you to some coffee if you'd like!" He asked, taking my mind off of the fact that Luka was waking up.

I smiled, and shakily nodded.

We left the school grounds and went to the nearest café and got a table, which happened to be the café where Chat and I had breakfast last week! 

I ordered a large black coffee with two sugars, and Adrien ordered a small caramel macchiato with three croissants.

After we paid and got our food, I came to a realization, "Hey, your order is very similar to Cha-I mean, a friend of mine's!" I stated, almost calling out Chat.

He choked on a piece of croissant as I said this, "R-really?" He asked in an unusually high pitched tone.

I nodded slowly, "Yep, but he ordered like ten croissants and made me spend all of last month's allowance! It's funny to look back on it know though." I explained.

His surprised demeanor turned into a more happy one, "Oh, that guy sounds like a handful!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, but he's really sweet and sometimes funny. He makes these really stupid cat puns, but makes up for it with his charm."

After I ranted, I looked at Adrien who seemed to be a little flustered and red in the face, "Um...you good?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, it's just a bit hot in here! D-don't you think?" He stated, fanning himself with his hand.

I shrugged it off, not thinking anything of it, "I should probably get going...I need to tell my parents what happened, so they don't find out from the wrong people." I explained, getting up from the table.

I was making my way to the door, when I paused and looked back, "Hey, do you mind walking me home?" 


I watched as she got up from our table, coffee in hand. For a second back there, I thought  that she connected the dots that I was Chat Noir, but she obviously didn't and went about her day.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I hear her call back to me, "Hey, do you mind walking me home?" She asked.

I could feel my face immediately go red as she asked this. Walk her home? Is this a date?

I could tell that she recognized my expression, and her eyes widened, "I-I mean, for safety reasons! I-I don't want to have Deja vu!" She exclaimed, clearly embarrassed.

I nodded, and stuffed the last croissant in my mouth, grabbing my school bag and caught up to her.

"Wet's go ten!" I exclaimed with croissant in my mouth.

She giggled and we exited the store staying close to one another.

After a few minutes of walking, I looked over to see a depressed look on her face, "Hey, have you ever thought someone was the best person in the world, but turned out that you were only seeing the side that they wanted you to see?" She nervously asked.

I could obviously tell that she was talking about Luka, but it kind of hurt that she thought of him as 'The best person in the world'.

I smiled solemnly, "No, I don't believe I have."

She nodded, "But that person you though so highly of could go burn in hell!" I stated.

She looked at me a bit shocked, "In my humble opinion of course!"

Her shocked expression melted into laughter. She was clutching her stomach and I swear I could see tears. This caused me to crack a smile and join in her fit of laughter.

"Would you two shut the fuck up? I'm in the middle of a business call!" A man who was walking right next to us scolded.

He continued to make his way down the street, yelling into his phone, while we were frozen in shock by the man's words. I looked over to Marinette with my mouth hanging open, and not long after, she did the same. We started at each other in awe at the man before doubling over in more laughter.

After we settled down, I took a few deep breaths before regaining my composer, and continued to walk, that is until I felt something yank on my sleeve. I turned around in confusion, and saw Marinette.

"What?" I asked.

She sighed, and pointed over her shoulder. I looked in that direction, and my eyes widened in realization. We were already at Marinette's house!

I lead her to the bakery door, and reached for the handle, and was about to open it for her, when she slapped my hand away. 

I hissed at the stinging sensation and held my hand, "What the hell was that for?" I whined.

She rolled her eyes, "Let's go through the house door, so no one will know I left school!" She whisper-yelled.

I huffed, "Well you just could've told me instead of slapping my hand!" I retorted.

She just waved me off, "Yeah, yeah, whatever!" She sighed, "But thanks for the coffee and the walk home!" She thanked, walking to her door.

"Anytime!" I replied.

I watched as she disappeared through her front door, with a a smile on her face. My heart started to beat faster as I realized that I was the one that put her smile there!

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, content with myself, and turned on my heel ready to go back to school. But then I thought, 'Why go back to school, when I'm already out...'


How are you all doing my Bugaroos! I hope that you enjoyed this little bonding chapter between Adrien and Marinette! The have been through a lot of bullshit lately, so I decided to be nice and give them a chapter off!

Now please don't forget to vote, comment, add, and share this book with fellow Miraculars!

I love you all so much, and stay safe my Bugaroos! MWHA!

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