C H A P T E R ~ E I G H T E E N

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(!) WARNING (!)
This episode contains some violence, so if you are uncomfortable with blood, I'll give you a heads up when it will start!


I had just made a list of the things that I needed for my fabulous dress that I had concocted  in my mind. I was missing a few things to make this dress. I needed the blush colored tulle, some ribbing, and hoop skirt.

"Hey, Tikki, want to do some shopping?" She didn't respond so I looked in her direction, "Tikki?" She was fast asleep on top of my sewing machine. I placed my hand on my chest at how cute this sight was.

I carefully picked her up and gently placed her in my purse, not waking her up. I smiled and grabbed my list.

I headed down the stairs, about to head out of the apartment, when I hear Bridgette ask, "Done already? Don't these type of projects take you days?" I giggled at her assumption nervously, "They do, but I need to pick up some essential items before I can start! So I'm running a couple of errands!"

I pointed at the door and was about to leave again when she said, "Okay, but be back by dinner! And call me if you need a ride or anything!" I rolled my eyes at her, "Okay, mom!"

Bridgette just gave me an offended stare, "Hey, I'm just looking out for my mini-me and making sure that she is safe and sound!" I let out a long sigh, "Whatever!" And with that, I ran out the door, before she could lecture me.

After about five minutes of walking, I was about halfway from my destination, Cheri's Fashion Shoppe, my all time favorite place to shop for my fashion needs! They carry fabric, templates, structure pieces, tools, you name it!

I was all caught up in fantasizing about looking at all the different fabrics, when I hear a loud noise come from my purse. Shit! Tikki had just woken up! And when she wakes up, she makes sure that everyone around her knows it!

People just gave me a judgmental stare, and I sheepishly giggled, "Sorry! That's my stomach, I'm really hungry!"

I quickly slipped into an alley way and opened up my purse. Tikki was rubbing her eyes and making even more noise! 

"Tikki! Shut the fuck up! We're in a public place!" I hissed at her. Her eyes widened, "Oh my gosh, Marinette! I'm so sorry! Did anyone hear me?" "Only like all of Paris!" I scolded, "And everyone was giving me a bunch of weird looks! Like, What the hell does that bitch have in her purse? And why does it make so much damn noise?"

Tikki was now hovering at my eye level, "Look, Marinette, I am so sor-" She squeaked real quick and flew back into the purse like her life depended on it.

(!)Warning starts now(!)

"Hey, what was that fo-" "I wouldn't move if I were you..." I heard a deep scruffy voice say, causing me to freeze. He wrapped his arm around me with a blade hovering by my neck. I tensed even more, realizing what was happening.

"Hey, I don't want to hurt you, I just want the earrings and the purse, lady. Comply and I will let you go, but no words to the cops about any of this. Refuse and," He pressed the blade so that It made contact with my skin, not braking it yet, "I think you know what happens..."

My eyes started to glisten with fear, I wanted to comply, but my earrings are my Miraculous, and my bag has Tikki! Shit! Why did I go into an alley?

After a few minutes or no exchanged words of movements, he finally spoke up, "No? Well, You should've complied..."

He started to press the blade deeper and deeper into my neck, causing blood to trickle. The Pain was terrible, unbearable even, but I had to hold back the scream that so desperately trying to escape my mouth. Because if I did scream, he would kill me for sure!

I thought of what I could do to get away, but it was hard to do when all you could think about was the pain being caused by the blade digging deeper and deeper into your throat. 

I finally came up with an idea, so shin kicked him, hard, causing him to slice my shoulder while falling back. I hissed in pain, but started to walk away as fast as my body would allow me to with blood pouring out of me.

"You fucking bitch-ass whore!" He shouted.

Before I could get any further, I felt the blade slice deep into my right shin. That was my breaking point. I screamed out in pain, hoping that someone would hear me and come to my rescue.

I fell to my knees, not having the physical strength to stand when I felt a weight on my upper back push me down hard, knocking the wind out of me. I regained my breath as fast as I could and screamed again, hoping someone, anyone, would come.

"HELP! I'VE BEEN INJURED WITH A KNIFE! I NEED A HOSPITAL! PLEASE, ANYONE, HEL-' Just then I was knocked out with a hard punch to the back of the head.

Before darkness consumed me, I saw my attacker inching closer and closer, but I saw someone else.

That's when I blacked out for good.

(!)End of the warning(!)


It was time for patrol around 5:00 pm, so I transformed and hopped over Paris rooftops, making my way to Ladybug and I's meet up spot.

 I had been waiting for about half an hour and still no sign of Ladybug. I frowned at the thought of where she could be. She was usually the first one here, and I was the one late. But no! She has been making wait thirty minutes with no call or anything. As much as I hate doing patrol by myself, I'm not waiting another thirty minutes for bugeyes.

Just to make sure, I called her one more time, "This is Ladybug's voicemail! If you need to-" I hung up the phone in frustration. She's never once been late, ever! She better have a damn good reason.

I sighed and started patrol without her flakey ass.

I was almost done with patrol and was jumping over rooftop to rooftop, checking every street and alleyway, everything seemed to be as normal. But when I was about to head home, I hear a female voice scream.


 The voice was quickly silenced as soon as it started. I had and dashed over to the sound to check it out.

Once I arrived at the alleyway, I saw a man holding a purse that I believed belonged to the young woman laying face down in a pool of blood. I was shocked, but jumped down off of the roof to the alley and called out to the man, "Hey, fuck off, asshole!" 

He dropped the purse in shock and turned around, "Hey, I gave her the chance to-" He quickly shut up when he realized who he was talking to. He bolted out of the alley which left me and the motionless woman alone.

I looked down at the purse, which looked oddly familiar. I knelt down to get a closer look. I picked it up, and as soon as I saw the 'M' on the side, my eyes widened in realization, "Marinette!"

I quickly moved my focus off of the bloodstained purse over to the motionless Marinette laying in her own pool of blood.

I ran over to her side and flipped her on to her back, only to be horrified. She had a fatal gash on he throat, a deep slice on her shin, and a minor cut on her collar bone.

Without thinking, I picked her up bridal style and made my way to the nearest hospital.

She may be my enemy with both of her alter egos, but, I can't loose her, I just can't! I look down to her and chuckled a bit.

"At least you had a damn good reason for not being at patrol, Marinette..."


Hello Bugaroos! I almost cried when making this chapter! Even though I hated making this part, it is crucial to the story, so it had to be done! But I hope you thought the chapter was good, despite the situation...

Anyway! To lighted the mood, Why don't you go and vote, comment, and share this book and follow my account!

Fact 20: I love to paint, I especially love to watercolor!

Love you all so much my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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