C H A P T E R ~ N I N E

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I landed on Marinette's balcony railing and just sat there, eyeing the hatch door, wondering if I should knock, or wait for her to come to me...

Before I could give it a second thought, my question was answered as I heard the latch to the door unhook. She popped her head out and started shouting at me with a pissed look on  face and her eyes squeezed shut. It honestly terrified me!

"Go back to hell, you stupid-ass-" She cut herself off and just stared at me with wide eyes, "-bird..." She said in an almost whisper. 

I let a chuckle escape from my mouth, "Wow! Is that how you greet all of you visitors? Or is it just because I'm special?" I taunted, placing a hand on my chest. 

She just stood there in shock and confusion for a couple moments, "C-chat Noir?"

I jumped off the railing and landed in a cocky stance, "The one and only!" 

I walked over to her, bowed, and took her and in mine. 

I attempted to plant a kiss on the back of her hand, but as I was millimeters from her skin touching my lips, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" she deadpanned.

I looked back to her, eyes meeting mine, "I was just giving you a proper greeting, Purrincess."

To this, she started bursting into a fit of laughter, "S-since when am I y-your, Princess?"  She asked between laughs, "I've o-only met you t-twice!"

I frowned a bit and gave her an over dramatic 'performance', "Oh, how you wound me, Purrincess!" I swooned as I closed my eyes and placed the back of my hand on my forehead.

After a moment of awkward silence, I peeked an eye open and saw her with an unimpressed expression and crossed arms, "Too much?" I questioned as I dropped the act. 

"Just a tad." She said in a monotone voice.

"So... why do I have the honor of Chat Noir visiting me at 2:00 in the morning?" she questioned me. 

"I was bored and felt like annoying you!" As I was saying this, I brought my face inches from hers with a sly smirk plastered on. 

She was clearly unimpressed, yet again.

"That doesn't work on you either, huh?" I asked while moving my face away from hers. 

"Nope!" She proudly stated, popping the 'P'.

"God! What is wrong with me tonight?" I sarcastically asked myself, "That usually makes every girl in 100 feet radius of me faint!" 

I turn my head towards her again to see her giggle, but clapped her hand over her mouth, in hopes that I didn't hear.

My whole face lit up with joy, "Finally! I got something out of her!" I proclaimed rather loudly for all of Paris to hear, throwing my fists up in the air. 

I turn back in her direction to see a tint of pink painted on her cheeks. 

I smile at my small victory.

"Hey, shut up! Some of us have to go work tomorrow y'know!" I heard a middle-aged man from across the street shout. 

Marinette and I look at each other in shock for a moment, then when we finally couldn't hold it in, we burst out laughing to the point where we almost cried.

When our laughing fit had subsided, Her expression went from cheerful, to pissed, and I was worried for my well being. 

She leaned forward and grabbed my bell, yanking me inches from her face. This sudden action caused red to appear on my cheeks. 

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