C H A P T E R ~ T W EN T Y - T H R E E ~ P A R T : O N E

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The next morning when I woke up, I felt refreshed and relaxed, ready to start a new day!

I was about to get out of bed, when I felt something (or someone) restraining me from doing so.

I looked down and saw two black, spandex arms wrapped around me. It took me a minute to comprehend who these arms belonged to, but when I looked up to their face, I instantly remembered, and blushed furiously!

Chat Noir, the Chat Noir, was sleeping in my hospital bed!

He had his arms wrapped around me, and his head rested gently on top of mine! But I was also partly to blame for my blushing, I had my arms wrapped around his chest, and my face was nuzzled into the nape of his neck!

But even though I was flustered and my mind was all over the place, deep down (very deep), This felt comfortable, natural even!

This got me thinking, why did I hate this cat so much in the first place?

I was still a bit drowsy, so I drifted back into dreamland, recalling the reason...


The bug-mouse thing finally finished on explaining what to do to be a successful superhero to defeat Hawkmoth. I was nervous, but who wouldn't be nervous!

"Okay," I whispered, mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen, "Tikki, spots on!"

I thought that I would gain a whole new level of confidence in my alter ego, but no! I was still just as nervous as before, maybe a bit more...

I went over to my full length mirror to check myself out.

I had a red spandex suit with a red mask. They were both freckled with black spots coving the entire ensemble head to toe. I also had a yo-yo that matched the rest of my costume...Hey! I kind of look like a Ladybug! (Yeah, no shit!)

I just took a moment to admire my new physique from all different angles in my mirror, "Damn! My ass looks good!" I complimented myself.

I shook out of my trance, "Right! I need to save Paris and other important shit!" I facepalmed and climbed up to my balcony.

Tikki told me that I would have a partner, Chat Noir! I was super eager to meet him! Maybe we could end up up being friends or something!

I picked up my yo-yo and started to spin it like a circle like Tikki instructed me to, "So...I'm just supposed to do like Spiderman, and swing from building to building...with a fucking yo-yo...Great!"

I flung my yo-yo in a random direction, hoping that it would hook onto something, so I could give this Spiderman thing a try. I saw that it wrapped around a flagpole at the top of a church. Before swinging, I wanted to check to see if the hold was strong enough...big mistake!

That small-ass tug made me fly all over the city!

As I was flying (Well, falling) I was screaming for dear life and waving my arms around like a psychopath.

"Well, nice knowing ya world, because this is how I fucking die!" I screamed.

As I was reaching closer, and closer to the ground, I see a black figure with blonde hair, walking above the street on a pole, sticky thing.

"Hey!" I shouted, gaining his attention, "Move out of the fucking way!"

He looked at me in confusion for a split second, but his eyes widened in realization, but he stood there frozen like a deer in headlights.

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