C H A P T E R ~ T W E N T Y - F O U R ~ P A R T : O N E

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I was woken up by the sound of a peaceful snoring. I wondered who could be causing the delightful sound, since I wasn't the one making it. I looked around my room, but no one was there...In fact, I wasn't in my room! I was in a hospital!

I felt something move around in my arms and I looked down.

A blush immediately appeared on my face as I came to the conclusion that Marinette and I slept in each other's arms.

I had my arms draped around her with my head on top of hers, and she has her arms wrapped around my chest with her head resting in the nape of my neck! I was blushing like crazy at this point, that I'm surprised she hasn't waken up due to the red glowing from my cheeks!

But as soon as I had myself under control, I realized how normal being close to her felt!

Sure, it was weird having your supposed enemy being close to you feel nice, but it was a good weird.

This got me thinking...why was she my enemy in the first place...


"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for convincing father, Nathalie!" I excitedly exclaimed.

I hopped out of the car, about to close the door, when I hear her softly say, "Your welcome, Adrien."

I look back at her with the biggest genuine smile that I have had in years! I've been homeschooled all my life, and I was happy to have freedom from my over protective father, eight hours a day, five days a week! I was living the dream!

"Oh, I almost forgot! You have a photo-" I slammed the door before she could continue. I was not going to let my shit schedule ruin my first day of public school!

I ran up the stone stairway to the front door. I scanned the massive, wooden door, and my eyes landed on the golden handle. I took a deep breath, and pulled it open.

When I opened the door, I saw kids, my own age scattered throughout the commons. They all seemed to be having a great time: Talking, watching things on their phones, playing games, and just normal human interaction! Something I had never really experienced before!

I had never had real friends before, so I was excited to jump into the game and make as many friends as possible!

I had prepared myself for this very moment by watching as many high school movies as I could! Hopefully, all my training would be worth it!

I was thinking ways of how to start up a conversation with someone, and I looked down at the schedule in my hand. I immediately thought of an idea!

I looked around the commons, and my eyes landed on a group of kids closest to me. They looked friendly enough, so I smiled and walked over to them.

"Hi!" I happily said.

The whole group of kids stopped what they were doing, and looked at me.

This made me feel a bit weird, but I continued nonetheless, "Um, my name's-" "Adrien Agreste! I know who you are!"

A light hue of pink spread on my cheeks, forgetting that I was a famous model known by most of Paris, "Yeah, um, that's me..." I chuckled softly.

The whole group started to close in on me with ecstatic faces, "Can I get your autograph?" "Me too!" "My little sister is a huge fan!" They all crowded me with paper and pens.. I nervously laughed, and signed them all.

"So, I was wondering if-" "What's it like being a model?" One girl interrupted.

"Oh, um...I was just wondering where the bathroom was..." I lied.

Her excited expression never faded as she answered, "It's in the guy's locker room, over there!" She pointed with enthusiasm at the set of wooden doors. I nodded in acknowledgement, and walked off.

In the distance I could hear her and her group of friends Fan-Girling, "Oh my god! Adrien Agreste asked me where the bathroom was! EEK!"

I let out a sigh, so much for making friends! This whole thing was going to take more effort that I had anticipated.

I was strolling down the halls, when I saw a map of our school, and stopped to examine it. I took out my schedule, "Miss Bustier..." I mumbled to myself.

I looked up at the map in concentration, running my finger across the map, "Aha!" I exclaimed when I landed on her classroom. I memorized the number, and started to run.

When I got up the flight of stairs, I saw Miss Bustier's class. I straightened myself out, wanting to make a good first impression, when I see the door open, and two girls walked out. They must be in my class!

One had a darker skin tone with hazel eyes, covered by glasses. She also had brown Ombre hair and a plaid shirt. The other one had midnight hair, with sparkling bluebell eyes that complimented her freckled, porcelain skin nicely. She's pretty cute...Wait! Back to mission, get to class and make friends!

I opened the door to see my new classmates surrounding a desk at the front. I was confused, and made my over to the crowd. 

There, I see my first, and only friend, Chloe, putting a wad of chewing gum on the bench seat.

"Mari-trash will get what's coming for her!" she snarked.

I pushed my way through the clump of my classmates, earning some weird looks, and whispers scattered throughout the crowd. Chloe must've noticed my presence, because she stopped what she was doing, and threw herself onto me.

"Adrikins!" She cheered.

I hugged her in return, "Hey Chlo..." 

She released me and smiled, "It's been too long! I'm so glad that your ridiculous father allowed you to come!"

I gave her a chuckle at her comment, but turned my attention back to the chewing gum. I sat my bag on the floor, and squatted by the seat. I started to prod and poke at the lump of chewed gum.

"Chlo, this isn't a nice thing to do." She scoffed, "Well, Mari-trash deserves it!"

I sighed, I didn't know who 'Mari-trash' is, but I'm pretty sure that she didn't deserve what Chloe was doing. She gets pissed off by the smallest things. 

I started to try and remove the gum off the seat, when I hear someone shout, "What the hell are you doing?"

I froze at what I was doing, and turned around.

There was the cute girl in the Hallway! Only this time, She looked pissed as fuck...


Hey my Bugaroos! I hope that you enjoyed this part of the chapter! If you couldn't tell, this is Adrien's POV on why he and Marinette were enemies!

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Love you my Bugaroos! MWAH!

Are You All That Bad? |Miraculous: Enemies to lovers|Where stories live. Discover now