C H A P T E R ~ T H I R T Y - O N E

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I was standing in the doorframe with definite shock written all over my face, Felix and grace were no where to be found!

"Shit!" I shouted in frustration.

I started to run all over the mansion, looking for any sign of the two adults, "Grace! Felix! You guys better not be fucking with me right now!" I shouted in the main entrance.

The response was deathly silent. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, about to go back to my room to transform and look for them, when I heard the faint sound of a car start outside.

My eyes widened as I turned around and saw that the door was slightly ajar. I quickly opened it and saw Grace in her car, and Felix standing by her window under an umbrella. What they were saying to each other was inaudible, but Grace's expression was far from happy.

I didn't care to grab an umbrella and ran down the stairs to Grace and Felix, "W-what's going on?" I shakily asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

Grace quickly wiped her eyes, and gave me a slight smile, "O-oh, it's nothing Adrien! I-I'm just going to go spend a few days with my parents. I-I haven't seen them in a few months!" She explained.

I could tell that she was lying, but I didn't pry because I already knew the reason why she going away.

"O-okay...I'll miss you!" I said with a tremor in my voice.

She smiled at me, then nodded, "Well...I'll be off! Adrien, get inside! I don't want you missing any school because you got sick standing out in the rain!" She scolded.

I realized that my clothes and hair were soaking wet and sheepishly smiled, "Y-yeah! Okay, I'll go." I reassured her.

She looked from me over to Felix, mouth open like she wanted to say something, but she quickly closed it and rolled up her window with a solemn look on her face. She drove out of the driveway and soon, everything was back to being deathly silent.

I was about to heed Grace's advice and go inside, when I felt a pair of raging eyes looming on me.

I looked up, and saw Felix with a look of frustration, disappointment, and anger written all over his usually dull face. I was genuinely terrified!

He handed me his umbrella, and just stormed up the stairs leaving me and my never ending thoughts alone in the pouring rain.

'What happened?' 'Why is Felix so mad?' 'How can I fix this?' were just some of the endless thoughts and questions that kept appearing in my mind. I knew I fucked up, just by letting Grace think that she even stood a chance with my cousin! But I had hoped that luck would've been on my side this time, instead of everything going to shit.

I stood out there for a few more minutes, thinking of all the possibilities that I could to fix my bullshit until I felt a shiver run up through my spine.

I realized that I was still outside in the pouring rain, and decided to run inside before I caught anything more than a minor cold.

After I shook the umbrella out and put it back into the bin, I looked up the staircase and saw Felix looming over me. I could feel the frustration radiating off of him.

I hung my head low letting out a depressed sigh. I dragged my feet along the floor to the foot of the staircase, and nervously met Felix's glare with my own.

"Look, I'm-" "I know that your sorry. You clearly didn't think the effects of your actions through though." He interrupted.

My glare was humbled and I went back to staring at my feet, "Grace just looked so happy...she likes you a lot and I just wanted to see her happy for the first time since- well, I don't know how long! I was fucking selfish and didn't want to be the one to break her heart, I put the burden on you, my fucking cousin!" I raged, explaining my actions.

I was so pissed at myself as I was rethinking what steps I took and felt all the guilt hit me like a bus.

I heard Felix let out a sigh, "Yes! What you did crossed the fucking line, Adrien! You knew that not only did I not like her, but you knew for a fact that I had a fucking girlfriend who I love very much! I might not show it, but I hate letting people down! I hate that breaking their hearts! But I don't want to lead people on, when I know that it will go nowhere! I felt so fucking guilty letting Grace down like that, even though I did nothing wrong!" He shouted at me.

My eyes widened. I didn't know that Felix felt this way! I genuinely thought that he could walk into a room full of people, and insult every single one of them without being affected! I thought I was doing myself a favor by letting my 'stone cold' cousin do the dirty work.

I clenched my fists, frustrated at myself, "I know what I did was wrong, I know what I did crossed the line and I am genuinely sorry. You never show emotion an let yourself be vulnerable with anyone, so I thought letting her down would be like killing a spider, quick and painless." I admitted.

The room was silent, until I heard footsteps making their way towards me. I looked up, and saw Felix right in front of me with a blank expression. We just stood there in complete silence, I started to feel a bit uncomfortable, until he suddenly wrapped me into a hug!

I just stood there in utter shock, "I...I know that I keep walls up, it might be annoying for everyone around me, but I'm selfish in that aspect of things. I don't like to put trust in other people, because in one way or another, I feel like they will let me down eventually and leave me to fend for myself. I also feel like showing vulnerability makes me depend on other people, and I hate felling like I need to depend on somebody to make it through life." He explained monotonal.

Even though he was showing no emotion through his voice, I could tell his confession was genuine. 

I returned the hug and squeezed him slightly, "I get that you feel that way, but just know, that you have people who love you and would never betray you That will always be on your side and fight for and with you in your everyday battels and struggles." I reassured him.

He released the embrace and put a hand on my shoulder, "Now, I know that you're not gonna want to hear this, but I'm gonna tell you how dinner went down." He stated.

The color drained from my face, "What? No! Please don't!" I pleaded.

He smirked, "Think of this as your punishment. Plus, I want you to know how your actions affect other people around you." he explained.

I nodded and sat down on the steps. Felix followed suit and I looked him in the eye and let out a long sigh, "I know I'm gonna regret this, but tell me everything..." I announced.

~Time skip~ 

After his hour long play by play of the entire dinner, I was in shock of how the night went down...not what I expected! I still felt an immense amount of guilt weighing on me, and said goodnight to Felix and headed up to my room.

I took a hot shower to regulate my body temperature, and then got into bed under my mountain of warm blankets.

"So, how'd it go?" Plagg asked, eager to know how things went.

I let out a guilty sigh, "Let's just say I have to write a lengthy apology to Grace..." 


Bonjour my Bugaroos! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a hard time coming up with what Adrien was so shocked with at the beginning, but when I came up with this idea, everything fell into place!

Please! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share this book that I work so hard on! And don't forget to follow me!

Fact 35: My weirdest fear that I have is feet! (Idk why, they just freak me out! Blech!)

Love you all so so so much my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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