C H A P T E R ~ F O R T Y - F I V E

389 21 14


As we were driving to the restaurant, I tuned out Felix and Bridgette's conversation, and just focused on Marinette.

She was staring contently out the car window with her lips slightly curled into a smile. She looked happy and I wondered why. Did talking to Felix give her that much serotonin? Or did she have a change of heart to me being here?

Well, whatever the reason is, hopefully we can be in the same room without it being deadly awkward!

I felt the car pull to a stop, and I looked out the window and saw the restaurant, well, hotel.

Apparently, they booked a reservation at Chole's dad's Hotel. Which I'm personally fine with, but I know that she and Chole aren't the best of friends...

I gave her a nervous glance, and saw that her content expression was turned into an irritated one. She let out an annoyed sigh, but took a deep breath and put her game face on! In this case, her game face was a big toothy grin plastered on her face.

I chuckled a bit at the sight, but I was quickly stopped when I feel her glare in my direction.

I got out and held my hand out to Marinette. She looked at it cautiously, but she finally took it. I smiled and helped her out.

I looked to my cousin and his date, "I need to do something real quick! Marinette?" She looked at me with worry, "Do you mind coming with me for a sec?"

She looked like she desperately wanted to say no, but I gave her a look that everyone knows she can't refuse, puppy-dog eyes.

She sighed and nodded.

I grinned and grabbed her hand, She let out a yelp as I tugged her over to a secluded area behind a tall plant. She was giving me a glare, but I could tell that she was nervous and uncomfortable.

"Look, before we head inside, I want to propose a truce!" I asked with a straight face.

She looked like she was about to burst of laughter, "Wow Blondie, what are you, in third grade?" She teased.

I looked her dead in the eye, my expression not wavering, "O-oh! Your serious..."

I nodded, "Look, My cousin is really nervous about this night going well, and when he told me you name, I might have told him about our past interactions..." I admitted.

Her eyes widened, "You knew that I was the friend, and you didn't care to tell me that you were the cousin?" She asked, a bit on edge.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, I just thought that If you were anything like me, you would've been looking forward to this night since you heard about it, and I didn't want the fact that I am Felix's cousin to ruin your night!" I exclaimed.

I flushed up, realizing what I had just said, she was a bit flustered too, "O-oh! W-well, that was... thoughtful of you...I guess..." She stated.

I smiled, but continued with my conversation, "The point is, when He found out, he was very anxious about how we'd act in the same room for hours on end, so he asked me to ask you if we could be civil with each other for just a few hours! And then it can go back to the way it was!" I explained to her.

She looked dumbfounded, but slowly started to nod, "Okay, fine!" She sighed, giving in.

I smiled, she agreed! Let's fucking go!

"But only for Felix's sake! That is my best friend's boyfriend, and I am not about to fuck up what they have going on!" She added.

I sighed, a bit sad that she was only doing it for that reason, but hey! At least she agreed.

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