C H A P T E R ~ F I F T Y

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As I was swinging around, I kept thinking of Chat Noir. I definitely overreacted this afternoon and I feared deeply that even if he did care a lot for me before, that my outburst made him despise me.

Even before I found out that I liked that cat, I cared about him so much, even when I considered him my enemy! We have been though so much ups and downs that brought us even closer whether we liked it or not. They say that soldiers create a special bond over the trauma that they share during their time in war, and it sort of fits the bond that I share with him over our time defeating Shadowmoth. He made life better, and I can't believe it took me three fucking years to realize it.

My mind also wandered to the darker hour of my day. Luka had always seemed like a calm and collected person who was always by your side, but I was blinded by this side of him to even notice the jealous, vengeful and lustful side that hid beneath the surface. Even though he had been there for me through some tough times, I don't think I can ever forgive him for what he has done to me.

I was lost in dread and guilt at the history of my past, when I was suddenly was brought back to reality by running into a giant building. 

I was frozen in shock and pain, but my yo-yo managed to latch onto something before I could fall away from the five story building I was plastered to and I just hung there feeling numb. I started to feel tears run down my face, but not from the pain of the building but from the pain of love.

I hoisted myself to the roof of the building and tucked my knees to my chest and silently sobbed in a ball.

I cant keep damaging myself like this! I keep going down the same road, expecting it to lead to another place!

I lifted my head from my knees, and admired the Paris skyline with tear stained vision. I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and stood up, trying my best to stay strong for the sake of my pride. I pulled out my yo-yo and dialed Chat's number.

I put the phone to my ear, and heard a ringing for a few moments until I eventually heard his voice come through, "Hello?" He asked.

I took a deep shaky breath in attempts to conceal the fact that I had been crying just moments before, "U-um, I'm not feeling t-that well, s-so I'm gonna go home. Y-you can handle the rest o-of Patrol, r-right?" I hoped.

He was silent for a few moments to the point where I though he had hung up, "Y-yeah! This cat's got it in the bag!" He stated.

I dryly laughed at his pun, "'K-kay, see you in a week!" I stated before hanging up.

I wiped the tears away from my eyes, just enough for me to see without hitting a pole every time I swung. 

After a few minutes, I made my way home and landed on my balcony and immediately collapsed in tears, "T-Tikki, S-spots Off!" I shakily exclaimed.

I felt the magic leave my body leaving me feeling helpless and frail.

"Let's get you inside Marinette." Tikki calmly soothed.

I nodded and moved back into my room. I changed out of my dress and heels and took a warm shower, clearing my face free from my tear soaked makeup. I changed into my pajamas and slipped into bed, still feeling as weak as I did when I got home.

Tikki kissed my cheek and headed to her bed.

As much as I fucking tried to go to bed so that I could wake in tomorrow, I couldn't. I tossed and turned for minutes, restless to get myself to bed. 

I was hoping some sort of tiredness would hit me, but instead of that, I heard an all too familiar knock on my balcony door...


After Ladybug hung up so abruptly, I knew something was wrong. Her voice was all shaky and I could hear the sniffles and voice cracks while she spoke.

I didn't want to interfere with anything, but I also didn't want to leave her alone after the shitty day she experienced.

I sat there in deep thought for a few minutes before I finally made up my mind. I quickly finished Patrol and instead of heading back to the Hotel, I bittersweetly made my way to Marinette's house.

I landed on a rooftop across from hers, and saw that her bedroom lights were still on. I knew she was awake, and yet something was holding me back. I knew that our recent outburst at one another must've added to the wildfire of a shitty day, so I didn't know if seeing me would exactly be soothing...

I waited outside for another twenty minutes or so before I had made the decision to go and see if she was alright.

I peaked my head in the dark window, and saw her tossing around in her bed. She obviously wasn't asleep.

I sighed, and quietly made my way to her balcony. I crawled over to the door and reached out to knock, but I extracted my hand, nervous that she would lash out at me.

This process repeated for about another five minutes until my body moved before my mind could think. I surprised myself that I knocked on the door, and even more surprised that just moments later that I heard the door click open.

My breath hitched and I backed up as she emerged from the hatch door. As I examined her, my heart dropped. Her face was red, puffy and tear stained. Her usually bright bluebell eyes were dull and glassy, and her breath was shaky. And her hair was damp from what I guessed a recent shower.

"C-chat?" She asked with a tremor weaved in her voice.

I nodded, "Look, I just wanted to come here and check to see if you were alri-" I was cut off by a sudden embrace from her shaking stature.

I could tell that she was crying and I hugged her back without hesitation. We sat there for a minute or two just hugging in a comfortable silence, until she let go. I was a bit sad that it ended, but I grabbed her chin, and pulled her face up in my direction.

I saw tears streaming down her rosy cheeks and I just sighed, "Do you want to talk about it? If you don't want to talk with me, I completely understand. But I'm here if you need me." I stated.

I let go of her chin, and her head went back to facing the ground. She held her hand out to me, "Please, let's go inside..." She suggested.

I nodded, and slipped in the hatch doorway.

I landed softly on her bed, making sure not to make any noise if possible, and turned to face her hugging her pillow to her chest.

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, she spoke, "L-look, I wanted to apologize for my outburst this afternoon. I just thought you knew how much you fucking meant to me and I overreacted. I just hope that you don't resent me for it..." She ranted.

I was shocked that she thought that way, but I smiled and placed my gloved hand on top of hers, "I was hoping that you wouldn't hate me for being so goddamn oblivious! I didn't think that I meant as much as I do to you because what the fuck is there to care for? I want you to know that you are one of the most important people in my life, Marinette." I gushed.

I saw a slight blush dust her cheeks and she turned away from me in embarrassment, "Same here Chat." She stated, returning the grip in my hand.

I smiled at her and scooted closer to her. She leaned my head onto my shoulder and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, but thank the fucking Gods for the dark atmosphere. I kissed her forehead and rested my cheek on her head.

There might not have been a lot of words exchanged between us, but it was a start...


Heyo my Bugaroos! I hope that you enjoyed this Marichat chapter that my soul desperately needed. I hope liked the sweet little apologies and tender moments shared between these two dumb idiots (But you gotta love them!)

Please don't forget to vote, comment, add, and share this book with fellow Miraculous Ladybug stans!

Fact 51: This is the last fun fact because I am all out of ideas!

Love you all so much my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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