C H A P T E R ~ F I F T Y - N I N E

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As I shut the door, I ran over to my desk, and pulled out a notebook. Plagg had dove into his beloved cheese cabinet, and pulled out a hefty slice of his all time favorite. He flew over to me, and was confused to see me writing in a notebook.

"Um, Adrien?" He asked.

I hummed in response, never taking my full attention off of my note book, "Why are you writing? Do you have an essay or some shit?" He asked .

I sighed, and continued to write, "Well you know I'm not the best with lying and coming up with things on the spot, so this 'script' or whatever you'd like to call it will help with both of those problems and make it more convincing!" I explained.

He started to nod, comprehending what I had just told him, "So, this really means a lot for you to be there, huh?" He stated.

"Yeah," I exclaimed, "Nothing can stop me from being there!"

As soon as I said that, I heard three quick knocks on my door, "Adrien, it's me. Can I come in?" Grace asked from the other side of the door.

I froze, and closed my notebook, shoving it into my trash can. Plagg stuffed his cheese in his mouth and flew under my pillow.

"U-um, yeah! Just a second!" I called to her.

After a few moments of making everything look like normal, I sprinted over to the door, and opened it, still out of breath from my mini cleaning marathon.

"H-hey Grace! S-sorry for the wait!" I panted, welcoming her into my room.

She had a look of worry on her face and her breath was shaky as she made her way into my room, plopping down on my bed. This caused me to slightly worry, she never had her guard down and almost always had her blank stare etched into her face. But this time, she seemed unsure and vulnerable, fidgeting with her hands and bitting her lip.

'U-um, so...what do you want to talk to me about?" I asked, carefully sitting down next to the small woman.

Her head snapped up with shock, "I-I'm sorry?" She asked.

"You came in here to talk with me right?" I asked her again.

Her eyes widened, "O-oh, yes! Sorry, I just zoned out there for a moment!" She explained.

I stayed silent as I watched her prepare to speak, taking deep breaths and mumbling incoherently to herself, "So, um...I wanted to talk to you about something big that's going to happen in a few days, um, and-and I don't want you to take this the wrong way because I care about you so much and this isn't something I'm doing to get you off my back, but this is better for me in the long run, and plus you will be going to college soon, so-"

"Grace!" I interrupted, stopping her nonstop train of thought.

"Hmm?" She asked, bring her eyes to meet mine.

"You're mumbling..." I stated.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry! What I meant to say was that, um, I'm moving to Bayeux!" She blurted at an unusually loud volume.

She covered her mouth as she just realized what she had confessed, and this caused her to lay her head in her hands, avoiding eye contact with me.

As I heard her news, my smile fell from my face, replaced with a shocked expression. I was frozen in place, not being able to comprehend fully what she had just told me. She had become an older sister to me over the past few years. Sure, she might've been a bit cold at times, but she showed her love in her own way. She would leave me sweet notes on my laundry, she would let me have as much food as I wanted when we dined out, and most of all, she would spend time with me willingly! And now she was just going to take that all away by moving to fucking Bayeux?

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