C H A P T E R ~ F I V E

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After they had made their way back to the classroom, they were surprisingly decent to each other! This caused Marinette and Adrien to be bombarded with questions by their friends on why they spent lunch together, seeing that they are mortal enemies. Marinette simply scoffed, "I was not hanging out with this dipshit, he just heard a stupid rumor about me, and I wanted to clear it up!"

Everyone looked back and forth between the two with confusion on all of their faces, "Yeah, sadly the rumor wasn't true! But I'll find out a way to expose little miss tight-ass here." He stated, motioning to her with his thumb. She scoffed and walked back up to her desk, and he followed suit.

The whole class let out a sad sigh. They had all hoped that during lunch, the three year long feud between the two had been resolved, and they were friends...but nope! They all made their way back to their seats with a depressed look on their faces, and class continued.


After school I had made my way back home. The bell chimed as I opened the door to the bakery and my parents faces lit up, as did mine. "Hey sweetie! How was your first day?" My mom asked as she pecked my cheek. I let out a sigh, "It was good, a bit shitty, but good." My parents looked at each other and nodded, "Was it that Adrien boy?"

I looked at them in surprise. How did they know? I never even told them about my past with Adrien! I blinked a few times before answering, "Um, y-yeah..." My dad's fists just clenched, "Did that boy do anything to you? Because if so, I will-" I cut off my dad afraid of what he was going to say, "No dad! He didn't do anything to me! Just some bickering and shit!"

My dad released his tight grip to a more relaxed one. "Okay, if you say so sweetie." I kissed both of my parents on the cheek, grabbed a cookie and headed up to my room. As soon as the door was closed, Tikki flew out of my satchel and stretched. "Do you know how long I was in that bag for? Eight hours!" I giggled and and gave her the cookie.

I just flopped on my bed and thought of the events that had happened in the past hours. I had made a new friend, Adrien found out that I was Ladybug, and he was actually a pretty decent person to me for the rest of the day. Was it because he found out I was Ladybug? Nah! It couldn't have been! He's always telling people pushy and bossy she is. He also says, "She walks around with a stick up her ass." If I remember correctly.

But that had to be the reason! Why else would he all of a sudden decide, 'Y'know what? Today, I'm gonna be less of a bitch today, especially to Marinette!' If I keep troubling myself with this bullshit, I'm going to get a migraine.


As soon as I got home, I went up to my room to do my homework. Just as I was about to solve the first question, I hear a raspy little voice behind me. "So...why were you so nice to pigtails today? Don't you hate Ladybug too?" I rolled my eyes and buried my head in my hands with frustration.

"Because, Plagg, " I start, "What would I do if someone found out my identity, and told every fucking thing in Paris? My life would over! I already don't live with my father, my mother is dead, and my curfew is six pm!  I am eighteen, an adult! If that happened, my social life would be non-existent!"

I take my head out of my hands and look over to Plagg. He was a little shocked at my statement. I let out I sigh and continued, "Ladybug and Marinette may not be the best people in my life at the moment, but I had to put myself in her shoes. What if someone found out my identity? What would I do?"

Plagg let out a sigh and mumbled some thing along the lines of, "God, I can't believe I'm doing this..." He flew over to me and landed on my head and nestled in my hair a little, "I'm sorry for assuming, I didn't stop to think of the reasons." I smirked a bit at his apology, "So, does this mean pigtails is no longer an enemy?" 

"Pfft!" I let a laugh escape my lips, "Of course she still is! Are you stupid? I'm only going to to be a mediocre person around her when it comes to her identity, but since this whole city is full to the brim of blind, clueless dumbasses, that will rarely happen!" I reassured Plagg.

"Aaand, he's back!" He stated bluntly, "Now give me my cheese."


Hey Bugaroos! Oh. My. God. Thank you all so much for the 46 reads! I know, I know, it doesn't sound like a lot...but it really means a lot to me that you guys read this! I hope that you liked the chapter and the ones to come!

Please vote, comment, follow and share so that I know you guys are liking this book! Can't wait to upload more!

Fact 6: I am 14

Love you so much Bugaroos! MWAH!

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