C H A P T E R ~ T H I R T Y

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As I was hopping back home, I hoped that the dinner between Felix and Grace was going well. I told Grace to go for it even when I knew that he was in a serious relationship!

I landed in my bedroom and released my transformation. Plagg flew out of my ring and was giving me the death glare of the century.

"Y'know, you can't just use Chat Noir as a way to escape you problems! A true hero is one that faces conflict head on and finds a way to solve it! Not one who runs away from every convenience in their life!"

I let out a defeated sigh. knowing that my kwami was right. I wasn't supposed to use my power for my own personal gain, it was for the greater good of humanity.

I opened up my jacket for Plagg to fly into, "Well, I'm gonna go to dinner and hopefully, everything is going smooth without my interference..." I stated, "And I might need your help, so come on! I'll make sure that I'll give you extra Camembert tonight!"

Plagg had a conflicted look on his face for a couple of moments, but finally shrugged, "Nah!" He sneered.

My mouth gaped open with shock, "Wha-why!" I whined.

"As tempting as your offer is," He started, "You need to figure this one out on your own, Kid. I feel like I'm always picking up your slack and giving you advice, when you know damn well that I won't be around forever. So... I'm giving you this opportunity to prove to me and yourself, but mostly me, that you can do this! Cause I believe in you Kid, I really do!" He explained.

It took me a few minutes to process what had just happened. But I started put two and two togther and slowly nodded, "Yeah you're right Plagg. I'm sorry that I have been putting so much weight on you, especially in the past few weeks, so I will  try to be better about that!" I promised the floating creature.

He smirked, "So? What are you waiting for? Go fix the situation you fucked up like it's no one's business!" Plagg encouraged.

I cringed, "Okay, I will, but can you not be so harsh! It was peer pressure!" I contradicted.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever! Just go, and fix it!" He stated, getting more impatient by the second.

I gave him a firm nod and rushed out of my room. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and made my way to the dining room. I held the doorframe firmly with one hand, and had the other one on my knee, trying to regulate my breathing after that 400 meter dash I just ran.

When I finally got my breathing back down to a normal rate. I look up, prepared for what I had to do. But instead of casually walking over and clearing things up between the two, My mouth just hung open at the sight before my eyes...


I was overjoyed  when I smelled my mother's famous homemade dumplings and dished up as many as I could before I heard a small gasp behind me, "Marinette! Your bowl is overflowing!" My mom exclaimed.

I gave her a confused look, as I looked back to my dish. My eyes widened as I saw broth and a few dumplings cascade off the edge of the bowl. I let outa slight squeal of embarrassment as I unloaded about half of my dish back in the pot.

"Sorry mom! I got a bit carried away there..." I sheepishly admitted.

She just chuckled at my antics, "It's okay, Sweetie! I know it's your favorite, but it's better for you to eat in smaller portions!" As she explained, she placed her hand on my cheek and I gladly leaned into it.

"Thanks mom. Now, Let's eat! I don't know how much longer I will be able to bare without eating these!" I stated all giddy.

She smiled and lead me to the dinner table. We all waited for everyone to get settled before we ate (Which felt like torture, since Bridgette had to go to the bathroom).

As we were eating, laughing, and conversing about stories that had happened to us, I had the uneasy feeling that I was being watched.

I looked around, out the windows, and I swear that I saw a pair of electric green orbs staring right back at me. But the second I blinked, they were gone.

I just shook it off, telling myself that it was just a stray cat on the windowsill. Something told me it was a certain black cat, but I decided not to dwindle on that assumption, and went back to having a good time with my family!

~Time skip~

After I cleaned my plate, I headed back up to my room where I started to work on my gown, tedious, time consuming work!

I had just about to sew the next bunch of tulle to the rest of the skirt when I felt a presence floating behind me. 

I whipped my head around, and saw Tikki just observing from afar. I smiled at her and turned my head back to my project, about to start when I question wiggled it's way into my brain.


"Yes, Marinete?"

"Um," I started, "I think I saw Chat Noir at dinner..." I confessed.

I felt Tikki's eyes widen, "What? But he wasn't here!" She squeaked.

I sighed and turned back in her direction, "I know that he wasn't at dinner, but I was looking out the window, and I saw his eyes, his bright green eyes, staring into mine!" I explained.

She just looked at me in awe, "Well, that was an experience..." She muttered.

I slowly nodded, "Yeah, but what if it was all in my head, and I'm just sleep deprived, hallucinating situations in my head!" I controdicted.

She sighed, "You do need to fix that sleep schedule of yours, Marinette! So let's just lean on the side of 'it was a hallucination, and nothing more' okay?" She offered.

I just nodded and looked back at my dress. "I should start working on this if I ever want to get anywhere, right?" I rhetorically asked myself.

I took a deep breath and began to add on more and more tulle to my skirt, adding imperfect details to the way the fabric was placed on and sewed. It is much harder to try to make something imperfect if your thinking about it, so I'll be here for a while!

~Time skip~

When I was Finally done with the foundation layer of the skirt, I wiped my brow with the back of my hand. I was about to continue, adding the little details to make the skirt a focal point and stand out like a fucking disco ball, when something made my eyes move over to the direction of my clock and my eyes widened when I read the time.

"1:00 am? I have been working on this, till 1:00 a-fucking-m!?!" I asked myself in disbelief and frustration.

I sighed and put sown my needle and thread. This was probably a good place to stop anyways...

I changed into my pajamas and climbed up onto my bed. I shut off the lights and started to make myself comfortable under the heavy blankets that kept me safe and warm.

As I closed my eyes to let sleep overcome me, one thought kept repeating in my head over and over.

Was what I saw tonight, really my imagination?


Long time no see my Bugaroos! Yes, I am alive! You can cancel the search parties to find my corpse, because I AM HERE! (If you get that reference, I love you <3) I know I have been on hiatus multiple times this month, and I am so so so so sorry! I have just been losing some inspiration and motivation for this story, but I will work through it for the sake of you guys!

Please remember to vote, comment and share and recommend this story with your friends and family. And also make sure to follow me so I am not a lonely bean!

Fact 34: I have been to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery (It was a dream come true! They have really good Quiche btw)

I love you all so much, and promise to keep updating more frequently my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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