C H A P T E R ~ F O U R T Y - F O U R

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As she walked away, I watched with sad eyes. She was one of the most important people in my life, and I underestimated the fact that I was one of the most important in hers...

I fucked up.

While I was dwelling on my mistakes, I felt a hand lay a firm grip on my shoulder.

I jumped a bit in reaction, but turned to face the mystery person.

To my shock, I saw Luka standing behind me glaring daggers at me. He gripped my shoulder even tighter before speaking.

"What did you do to Marinette?" He asked with venom in his voice.

I could tell this wasn't an act of jealousy, but one that was genuinely worried about Marinette.

I mirrored the glare he gave me, "I just underestimated how much I meant to her. I know that she means the world to me, but I didn't know that she thought the same." I replied with a bit of cockiness in my voice.

His glare wavered a bit at my comment, but he continued, "I know that your a big part of her life and all, but that doesn't give you an excuse to be a asshole to her, and expect her to forgive you like that."

"I know that." I replied monotonal.

"Then why'd you do it just now?" He asked.

I broke the glare, and looked to the sidewalk, "I don't know..." I replied, feeling a bit guilty.

He hummed and take his hand off of my shoulder, "Just treat her well, and we won't have any problems." He warned.

And with that note, he walked back in the direction he came from.

~End of Flashback~

As I was riding down to Marinette's house, I could sense that Felix was obviously nervous  because he was shaking his leg.

"Hey, you'll do great! Marinette is a very kind person!" I encouraged.

He scoffed, "Then that brings me to ask for the hundredth time, why are you enemies with this girl?" He said with a shaky smile.

I smirked, "Again, it was just some dumb shit that happened at the beginning of high school and we've held a grudge against each other ever since!" I explained.

He shook his head disapprovingly, "Whatever."

We sat in silence the rest of the way, until I saw Marinette's bakery come into view, "Hey Felix, we're here!"

I could see beads of sweat on his forehead, "I can do this..." He whispered to himself, "Your a grown ass man, Felix! They're just people! You can talk to people!".

I snickered at his little pep talk, but my focus was immediately turned to see Marinette and Bridgette skipping to the limo, arms linked.

I smiled at the joy that shone in her eyes, something that I hadn't seen all day. Hopefully she was happy enough to downplay the fact that I'm Felix's cousin, and we can get closer, maybe even build a friendship!

But for that to happen, she's gonna have to be on cloud nine...


When I slipped into the limo, I met eyes with Adrien.

My face almost instantly went from gleeful to horrified. The moment that I had been waiting for for weeks, especially today, had been ruined by the fact that Felix's cousin was the one and only, Adrien fucking Agreste.

He just gave me a nod with a slight smile on his face. I huffed in frustration, and turned my attention away from him, and focused on Felix. 

Why couldn't one thing in this shitty day go right for me?

When I examined Felix a bit, I noticed that the two of them really looked a lot alike! They both had the same blonde hair, with almost identical electric green eyes and they had the same tan tone to their skin. 

It was like seeing Adrien's reflection sitting right next to him! 

The only differences were Felix's slimmer and taller stature and his resting bitch face, otherwise I couldn't tell them apart!

"So, um..." Felix started, trying to strike up a conversation, "Bridgette tells me that your into fashion design!" He uncomfortably stated.

I could tell that social interaction was not his forte, so I decided not to ignore him, despite the shitty mood I was in, "Um, yeah! Have been for a few years now!" I awkwardly replied.

His eyes lit up as if this was the happiest day of his life, "Um, okay...What's your favorite thing about the industry? I personally like sketching and designing." He explained.

I started to forget that Adrien was there, and got a bit excited, "You like fashion too? That's fucking awesome! I like all aspects of it really! I like the sketching, designing, picking out materials, and piecing my creation together to make it reality! The whole thing interests me very much!" I blabbed.

I hesitated and blushed out of embarrassment, "Sorry! I'm just really passionate about it!" I sheepishly admitted.

He chuckled, "No worries! I'm getting my degree in fashion design, so I feel the same!"

I smiled at him and turned to Bridgette and gave her a look that said, 'I like him!'

She smiled, happy that I approved and started to have her own conversation with her boyfriend.

I sighed in contentment, and looked out the window and watched at cars and buildings passed by us in the Parisian landscape.

You know what? This night might not be so bad after all...


Hello my Bugaroos! I hope that you enjoyed this short and sweet chapter! I know that it's a bit shorter than what I usually do, but oh well! C'est la vie! And on an update on how many chapter's this book will be is now estimated from about 55-60 chapters! Just wanted you to know incase you were wondering!

Please don't forget to vote, comment, add, and share this book with people! And if you wouldn't mind, please follow me!

Fact 45: My favorite food is pasta! (You can make so so so many dishes with it! Very versatile!)

Love you all so much my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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