C H A P T E R ~ T E N

718 22 33

!WARNING! This chapter contains some uncomfortable situations and a bit of cringe, so read with caution if you are weirded out by these things!


His face was amused from my little freak out, but slowly melted into horror as I mentioned that he and Adrien looked the same size. I grabbed my measuring tape, pad, and pen and slowly made my way over to him.

With every step that I took towards him, he took one step back. This went on until he backed into my chaise and fell back onto it. I took this opportunity and lunged towards him. I jumped on the chaise and grabbed his head so I could get the measurements that I needed for the mask.

Just as I was about to let go of his head to get my measuring tape, his face and tips of his ears turned read in a second.

I gave him a confused glare, but looked down at the situation we were in. I came to realization that I was straddling this man! Not only that, but my hands on the sides of his face, and our noses were nearly touching! 

My face goes from zero to sixty real quick, and being the klutz that I am, caused me to lose balance and tip over. I was looking for something to grab onto so that I wouldn't fall the chaise to my death. I grabbed the first thing that my hand could find, which happened to be Chat Noir.

After I fell, I rubbed my the back of my head in pain. I tried to get up, but it felt as if something was preventing me from doing so...

'Please don't let my fucking limbs be shattered!' I pleaded to myself. Just then, I hear a groan come from on top of me. If it wasn't possible, I went from sixty to one-hundred! Chat fucking Noir was laying on top of me! 

I tensed at my realization, and shortly after that happened, he tensed up, also coming to his senses. He quickly got off of me and helped me up. I muttered my thanks. Both of out faces were dangerously red.

After a moment of gathering our senses, we were able to speak again. "So..." Chat started to say, "So..." I sheepishly replied. I didn't want the rest of our night to be like this, so i shook it off and gave him a playful glare.

"Y'know, this whole situation wouldn't have happened if you would've just let me measure you, dumbass!" I accused him. He still had remanence of red blush on his face, but it had faded significantly. 

He took a deep breath and took a couple steps towards me and thrusted his arms out, "Well, measure me then!" He shouted. I slapped his arm really hard for how loud that was. "Bitch..." I heard him mumble under his breath. "Do you want those croissants, or what?" I threatened. He sook his head and began to cooperate.


After apologizing for what seemed like eternity for almost waking her parents up and calling her a bitch, she finally accepted and asked me to stop moving so she could measure me properly. I nodded and held my arms out so she could measure my chest.

She wrapped her arms around me to get the tape at my back, but I thought she was giving me a hug, so I hugged her. She let out a sigh, "Chat, what the hell are you doing?" I shrugged, "Reciprocating your hug..." She let out another sigh, "Chat, thanks, but I'm just trying to get the tape around your torso..."

I immediately let go in embarrassment and flushed up, "Oh my god, I'm so stupid, sorry..." She just laughed, "Hey, I'm not complaining! You give pretty good hugs!"

I blushed a bit at her statement, "U-uh, yeah, whatever. Just measure me so I can get food!" "Whatever you say your highness!"

After she measured my chest, my waist, and my arms, she only needed my head measurements. 

"Dammit! Um... could you sit down... please..." She admitted after countless tries to measure my head. I chuckled and to a seat on her chaise.

After we were both situated, she leaned over so she could accurately measure my head. Everything was going fine, until I noticed that her, um, her...chest a-area was directly at, um... eye level... and her clothes weren't exactly helping either. She was wearing a lose, low cut T-shirt... with no bra...

I kept turning my head away from her chest,  because I am not a pervert, and staring at your enemy's breasts is not something I wanted to see. 

"Chat! You have to stop moving your fucking head! These measurements need to be perfect!" She exclaimed as she adjusted my head back in the direction of her, um...area, for the twentieth time.

"Um..." I mumbled. She groaned and let go of my head in frustration, "What is it now!" She asked impatiently. "Well, um..." I started, but trailed off in the end. "Ugh! Spit it out, GOD DAMMIT!" I finally had the courage to look up at her. She had a look of stress, anger and tiredness molded into one.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat, "AHEM! Your, um, your chest a-area is at the same, um, l-level as my eyes..." She gave me a confused look, "And, um, your c-choice of clothing i-isn't really helping this s-situation..."

She was now even more confused and looked down at what she was wearing. She realized what I was saying and looked back at me petrified. She was frozen still, covering her chest in embarrassment. 

I quickly got up and looked around her room, locating a oversized sweatshirt in her closet. I ran back and gave her the sweater for her to put on. She gratefully accepted, and slipped it on as fast as humanly possible. I felt bad for putting her in such an uncomfortable situation and decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry, I broke rule number two. I went through your closet to get that hoodie..." She placed a shaky hand on my shoulder and I looked into her eyes, "I think we can make an exception this once." We stared into each others eyes for a few seconds before breaking eye contact.

"So, If closing my eyes would make you feel more comfortable-" "Yes!" She responded without hesitation. I smirked and we got back into position, but this time I closed my eyes. 

'Holy shit! I just saw her boobs!' I was mentally scolding myself for not closing my eyes earlier.


'Holy Motherfucking Shit! The Chat noir, Just saw my fucking boobs! Well, our mornings, are officially ruined...


Hey my Bugaroos! I know that this was the most awkward chapter yet, but I was bored and couldn't think of anything else to move the story along, so here we are, in this hellhole of embarrassment!

Anyways, on the other, less embarrassing hand, please vote, comment, share and follow this book!

Fact 12: My top three favorite shows are : MLB, MHA, and She-Ra

That's all for now my lovely Bugaroos! MWAH!

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