C H A P T E R ~ S I X T Y - F I V E

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I watched in slow motion as she tipped over the railing and gravity started to pull her over the edge. I knew that she would have a reaction to Adrien and Chat Noir being the same person, but 'passing out and tipping over a railing and falling to her death' was not on my radar of possible outcomes!

"Marinette!" I screamed out her name as I ran over to the railing, grasping onto it with a white knuckle grip.

I started to hear gasping and cries surround me. I looked away from Marinette, and realized that about half of the Gala guests had heard my cry and had come to see what was happening. I had a crazed look in my eyes, tears threatening to spill as I looked around the crowd to search any familiar faces. My eyes landed on Alya, and she saw me too and sprinted over to me.

"Adrien, what the fuck is going on here? I can't see from the back of the crowd and-"

"Marinette fell over the fucking railing!" I shouted, interrupting her.

Her eyes widened as she ran over to the railing and saw Marinette halfway down the cliff, still unconscious with her dress flailing around in the wind. She looked back at me with desperate eyes, hoping that there was something that anyone could do to save her.

I looked around and realized that I wasn't the only one at this Gala that Marinette meant something to them, there were her friends, her family, and not to mention, all of the citizens of Paris who she has assisted and saved as Ladybug. I looked back to Marinette and my face turned from frantic and desperate, to determined to save her. I opened my jacket and looked down to Plagg and nodded. He looked shocked, but at the same time he knew what I had to do.

I tossed him a slice of Camembert which he gobbled up in an instant. I looked back to Alya with a nervous expression. She gave me a confused stare why I tossed a piece of smelly cheese into my nice jacket. I chuckled at her and made my way closer to the railing and climbed up to the top, balancing myself on the edge.

Alya's eyes widened, "Adrien, what in hell's name are you doing?" She asked with panic in her tone, "Get the fuck down from there!" She yelled.

I sighed, "Just sit back and watch the show..." I stated, spreading my arms.

She looked like she was about to cry at this point, "W-what could you possibly mean right now, Adrien?" She managed to ask.

I closed my eyes and started to lean back, "Plagg," I whispered, "Claws out..."

I felt the energy and magic surge through me, as well as adrenaline, as I transformed, feeling the tight suit replace my clothes while free falling down the side of the tall, rocky cliff was an exhilarating yet terrifying feeling. I heard people scream and cry as I fell off the cliff as well, but there were also gasps of shock and awe. I felt my transformation come to an end, and I opened my eyes. I grunted as I saw that Marinette was making her way closer and closer to the ground and there was no sign that she would be waking up anytime soon.

I clapped my arms to the side of my body to help me slice through the air faster so I could get to Marinette. My hair kept swishing back and forth which obscured my vision and stung my eyes, but I ignored it, my brain only being able to focus on Marinette. I gritted my teeth in determination and started to steer my way through the air. I managed to gain enough speed to catch up to her and see her more in detail, her eyes were gently closed and her cheeks and nose were red from the cold autumn air brushing against her skin. Her plump, rosy lips were slightly parted and her midnight black haired swirled around in the wind, somehow framing her face beautifully.

I also noticed a small red blur that was hovering around Marinette's face, which I soon realized was Tikki, Marinette's kwami. I sped up and got down to Marinette's level where I could see that Tikki was trying to wake Marinette up by frantically slapping her cheeks.

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