C H A P T E R ~ N I N E T E E N

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We were about halfway to the nearest hospital, when I started to feel streams of involuntary tears run down my face. When I started to become more aware of what was happening, The quiet streams turned into full-on sobs. I couldn't stop them, they just kept coming and coming, with no sign of rest.

Maybe Marinette meant more to me than I would ever let myself believe, I just couldn't comprehend it at the moment.

We have been classmates since the first day on high school, we are partners in crime, she's my enemy...well, was my enemy...Fuck! I don't even know anymore! All I know is that she means a lot to me now.

When we arrived at the hospital's emergency room entrance, I burst through the door, hold a helpless Marinette in my arms, "Please! You h-have to help her! She w-was injured b-badly! Please! I-I can't loose her too!"

When I said this, a whole new layer and depth of emotions was added when I mentioned my deceased mother.

The receptionist at the front desk saw the desperation and worry in my eyes, and called to have her induced in to the hospital immediately.

"T-thank you! Thank y-you so m-much!" I managed to convey between sobs.

"Of course!" She comforted me, "Anything for our gracious hero of Paris!" I nodded in an appreciative manner, being a superhero has its quirks.

Just then, a stretcher was brought into the lobby and made its way swiftly over to Marinette and I. They gently picked her up and carefully laid her on the stretcher. The made their way to the emergency room doors, and I started to follow them, not wanting to be separated from her while she was going through this.

I was almost to the door, when I felt a hand place itself gently on my shoulder. I looked back confused and hurt, and saw the receptionist from earlier. She shook her head weakly, and I knew damn well what that meant.

The confusion left my face as hurt only remained.

I walked out of the hospital and found a secluded area and released my transformation.

"Okay, Kid! Cheese tim-" he was cut off by the sight of me crouched on the ground in a ball, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Um...Kid? What happened?" He cautiously asked, not wanting to hit a nerve.

I took my head out of my hands and looked at the distressed kwami. My eyes were red and puffy, my nose was inflamed and running from all the crying I had been doing, "M-Marinette, she-she was, um, i-injured really bad, and n-now she is in the f-fucking hospital!" Plagg's eyes widened, "Kid, I'm sorry, I-" "And even t-though I know that n-none of this is my fault, I can't h-help but feel this e-enormous amount of g-guilt resting on my s-shoulders!"

I took a few shaky breaths before continuing, "She might n-not be my favorite person in the w-world, but she has b-been there for a lot of important m-milestones in my l-life! And if something were t-to happen to h-her because of m-me...I-I don't know, Plagg!"

I had just unloaded all of my emotional shit on a being the size of a post-it note! Ugh! I thought he would tell me to brush it off and give him some cheese, but instead there was pure silence between us.

I saw that he looked to be on the verge of tears, something I had never seen before. "I-I'm sorry, Adrien, for being s-so insensitive... this must b-be really hard for y-you." He sniffed out.

I gave the biggest and strongest smile I could muster, only to have that lead to another breakdown.

After I was all cried out for the moment, I realized that I was holding something in my hands. I look down to see that I was holding Marinette's blood-stained purse. 

"I'm so sorry, Marinette..."

I pulled the small bag to my chest, embracing it, not caring if any of the blood got onto my clothing in the process because this was all I had of her at the moment.

"She has to be okay, she just has to!"


Hey my Bugaroos! I hope you liked this chapter! I know it is half as long as It usually is, but I had no idea what to write for Marinette's perspective, like, I was unconscious while getting fixed up... I don't know!

Anyways, Plaese don't forget to vote, comment, and share this book and don't forget to follow me!

Fact 21: My pronouns are she/her

Love you all my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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