C H A P T E R ~ F O U R T Y

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As I was starting to fall asleep, I felt something rest on my shoulder.

I looked over, and I saw Marinette nuzzling her cheek into my neck. The fact that she was resting her head on my shoulder and not being repulsed by me in any way at all was kind of a win for me. Even if she was asleep, it was still a win!

I started to feel my eyes get droopy once again, and rested my cheek on the top of her head. Once I was comfortable enough, I started to drift off to sleep.


~Half an hour later~

My eyes started to flutter open, and I started to look around me and saw that I was in the Nurses office. She must've noticed I was awake, because she started to silently clap.

"I'm glad your up! You were out for about a good thirty minutes or so!" She explained.

My eyes widened, "Half an hour!" I exclaimed.

She nodded, but put a finger to her lips, "You better be a bit more quiet, dear!" She recommended.

I gave her a confused glance, "Why, exactly?" I pondered

She smiled and shook her head, "You friend that brought you here is sleeping! You don't want to wake him up now, do you?" she said gazing at my shoulder.

I cautiously looked over in the direction she was looking at, and a small yelp escaped my lips. Adrien? He brought me here? I thought she was talking about Luka!

But nope, there he was, with his head resting on my shoulder sleeping peacefully. 

"I'll leave you two be!" the nurse stated, and swiftly left the room not giving me a chance to protest.

I let out a sigh of defeat and looked back over to Adrien. His peach lips were slightly parted with the soft sound of steady breathing going in and out. It was sort of soothing.

His soft blonde hair was draped in front of his eyes, slightly tickling his nose which was causing him to stir and flinch. I didn't want to wake him up, afraid of the awkward situation that would place us in.

I lifted my hand up to brush the hair out of his face, but hesitated.

Why was I hesitating? It's not like I was going to do anything weird! I was just going to make him feel a bit more comfortable!

Why am I trying to make him feel comfortable?

I shook all of these thoughts out of my brain and started to brush the hair out of his eyes. As I ran my fingers through his hair, it calmed me down for some weird reason and I found myself smiling.

I quickly stopped what I was doing and took my hand out of his hair.

After a few minutes of complete silence, I started to get uncomfortable and looked back to Adrien to see him still peacefully asleep on my shoulder.

Some of the hair had made it's way back to his eyes, and I quickly brushed it out of the way, but kept running my hand through his soft, fluffy hair. I didn't even realize that I was still massaging his scalp when I hear him start to stir and groan. 

For some reason, I didn't take my hand off! I just stayed where I was, frozen!

Well! This will be fun!


I felt a nice and soothing pressure on my head that felt sort of like I was getting a scalp massage. This caused me to start to wake up. I started to twist and turn. I was about to check to see if Marinette was awake, when I turn in her direction and my electric green eyes met her bluebell ones.

"U-um...how was your nap?" She asked me in an awkward tone.

I shrugged, "It was alright, but when I woke up, I felt like someone was giving me a really good massage on my scalp! It was very soothing and calm." As I explained the sensation to her, I could she a tint of pink decorate her cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry! There was hair over your eyes, and I know I personally don't like that feeling, so I brushed it out of your face!" She explained.

I realized that her hand was on top of my head, and I blushed a bit as well, 'She was the one who was running their fingers through my hair?'

"You have very soft hair by the way!" She complimented.

"Thanks!" I replied while I smiled at her and sat up in the chair correctly, "So, how are you feeling?" I asked her.

She just shrugged, "I don't really remember what happened! You just walked in, and I started to panic that you were going to tell everyone and it escalated quickly, and then-look, all that matters is I'm fine now!" She ranted.


She was afraid that I was going to use this new found information as blackmail, like usual.

I sighed, "Look, I saw you leave the café in a rush, and I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. And I fucking swear that I didn't eavesdrop on purpose. I just was going into the class room, and you happened to be doing-ahem! T-that..." I trailed off at the last part, not wanting to trigger another panic attack.

"But I swear that I won't tell a fucking soul!" I said, holding out my pinky.

She started to laugh, "I-I have a friend that does the same thing when he makes promises! He makes me pinky promise!" She explained.

I totally forgot that I was talking to her as Adrien, and not as Chat Noir! Shit!

Well, I don't think that she noticed, I think she just thought it was a funny coincidence. She intertwined her pinky with mine, and we shook on it.

"No no backing out, Blondie! A pinky promise is a pretty big deal!" She mocked. 

I chuckled at the fact that she was already making jokes again. I'm glad!

I stood up, and offered my hand out to help her up. She accepted and we walked out of the nurses office hand in hand.

Once we thanked the Nurse, even though she didn't really do anything, we exited the room and saw Luka standing by the door.

I gulped, hoping that everything was good. He looked over at the both of us, and then down to our intertwined hands with a deadly stare.

I quickly realized that I had still been holding her hand, and let go. Luka took Marinette in his arms without a word, and they started to make their way back to the classroom leaving me to walk back alone.

What a morning this had been...


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening my Bugaroos! I hope that you enjoyed this fluffy Adrienette chapter, because I know I enjoyed writing it! After writing that Lime Chapter, I needed some wholesome fluff, so that's what I did!

Pinky promise that you will vote, comment, and share this book with your people! Also, please follow me!

Fact 41: I am very competitive (You do NOT want to play with me in Monopoly!)

Love you all so much my Bugaroos! MWAH!

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