C H A P T E R ~ T H I R T E E N

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When Chat finally dragged me to the nearest café, we went in and ordered. I got myself a large, black coffee with two sugars. 

What? I hadn't slept all night! I needed the energy. 

I also ordered a chocolate chip cookie for Tikki, since she hadn't had anything to eat since last night.

After I was satisfied with my order, I stepped to the side so that Chat could order.

"Okay, so I will take five croissants! Wait, no...ten croissants! I will also have a small caramel macchiato, extra caramel drizzle!" 

I just looked him in awe. 'ten croissants? how hungry is this man?' I thought to myself.

The cashier typed in our order, "Okay! Will that be all, you two?" 

I gave her a nod, "Yes, that's it." 

She nodded and looked back at the register, "Your total is $42.60!" She chirped. 

My jaw hung open and I slowly turned my head over to Chat, giving him the death glare. 

He giggled nervously, begging me not to pound him into the floor through eye contact. 

I sighed, finally giving in and handing a fifty dollar bill to the cashier. 

"Keep the change..." I mumbled through gritted teeth.

Once we had gotten our order, I made my way to an empty table and set my stuff on it. 

Once I was all settled, I look over to see Chat struggling to hold ten croissants in one hand, with his coffee in the other.

I let a giggle escape me as he finally made his way to our table with the mountain of croissants. I quickly and discreetly slipped the cookie into my bag for Tikki to eat. 

When I looked back at Chat, I was going to scold him for draining my month's worth of allowance, when I see that he was already on his fourth croissant, and we haven't even been here for two minutes.

"Wow! Do they feed you at home?" I gawked. 

He looked up at me with flakes of pastry around his mouth, "No, not really..." 

"So this is why your so fucked up, huh?" I stated bluntly. 

He ripped off a piece of croissant and stuffed it in his mouth, "Oh, Pwincess! How you woon me, soh!" He dramatized. 

I giggled and to a big sip of my coffee, "Oh, Caffeine! We meet again!" I moaned. 

He started laughing at my statement, but ended up spitting pieces of his chewed up pastry all over me!

"Damn! I asked for the news, not the weather!" 

He simply smirked, "And you think I care, why?" 

I gave him a confused look as I was wiping the saliva and pastry of my face and clothing. Where was the guy who I was getting breakfast with two minutes ago? Because he's not here!

"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly hurt. 

To this, he chuckled, "That shit was fucking hilarious!" 

I glared at him, ready to tell him off for his bitchy attitude, when an idea popped in my head, "Y'know, I was debating on whether to do this or not, but that slightly bitchy comment, decided it for me..." 

His smug grin was wiped off his face and what lay beneath was worry.

"Huh?" He asked, nervously confused. 

"You now owe me $35.60!" I proudly announced. 

He was now shocked at the statement, "What! $35.60 for just that one comment? Your batshit crazy of you think I'm paying that!"

I smirked, "Well, it was not only that comment, but for bursting into my room at two in the morning, you were being unnecessarily difficult while I measured you, oh and that reminds me! You saw my goddamn boobs!" 

He seemed to get flustered at the last point and let out a reluctant groan, "Fine!"

He fished his wallet out of his pocket and pulled out the money. 

When I received it, I double-checked to see if he got everything. I placed the money in my purse and shot him a satisfied smirk, "Now you know not to go against me in any way, shape, or form! Because I have the receipts motherfucker!"


After I gave her the money, I started to recall the recent events: I had barged into her room at an unruly hour just to annoy her, I disobeyed the rules she had set for me, I was difficult when she was trying to meet a deadline, I saw her cleavage (That one wasn't entirely my fault though!), I took her away from her pleasant conversation with Luka just because I was a little hungry, I made her pay for over thirty dollars of food for me, and I had just spat my food all over her...

And this was in the past six hours!

She has been nothing but kind to me (Well, mostly), she let me come hang out with her, if I agreed to pitch in, she didn't send me home after the boob malfunction, she helped me through a pretty severe panic attack, and she allowed me to buy an unnecessary amount of food with her money!

Maybe she's not as bad as I thought after all...

I pinched my nose bridge and sighed, looking down at the table, "Look, " I started to say. 

I didn't look at her, but I could tell that I had her attention and continued, "All you have done for me this morning is be helpful, generous and kind, but all I have been is an annoying, difficult, bitchy asshole! But yet, you put up with me all morning and even bought me breakfast! So, I guess what I'm trying to say is... thanks..."

It took a lot to admit that I was wrong, to my enemy of all people! But I did it! 

After a moment of awkward silence, She placed her hand on my shoulder. 

I looked at her hand, and then to her deep, bluebell eyes. "Hey, Chat. That was very big of you to admit that, and it is much appreciated. Now I know that you aren't a heartless asshole!" 

I gave her a soft smile, "Thanks, that means a lot to me, Mari-" 

"But!" She interrupted, "That just means you have leveled up to basic asshole! Keep up the hard work and you can be promoted to the title of tolerable!"

I laughed at her and looked at my food. I picked croissant up and held it out to her. 

She looked at the croissant and then at me in confused shock, "Hey, I didn't poison it! It's a regular ass pastry!"

She took it from my hand and ripped a piece off with her teeth. 

She gave me an appreciative glance and her cheeks were a little pink, which caused mine to flame up a bit. 'What the fuck is going on? Why in hell's name am I blushing?'

I shook it off and then heard my ring beep, notifying me that it was time to go. 

My eyes widened, I glanced over at Marinette a little worried. 

She gave me a nod, "Go on, Kitty! Do your thing. I know my way back home!" 

I was still a little worried, but she glared at me causing me to haul ass and get home.

I was jumping over the rooftops, finding my way back home worrying over one thing.

If they found out I wasn't in my room or anywhere in the house...I...I honestly don't know what to think...


Heyo Bugaroos! I hope you enjoyed a Marichat breakfast session! This was fun chapter for me to write! I love Marichat, so writing these chapters about them is like breathing!

You know what is also as easy as breathing? Voting, commenting, sharing and following this book! (See what I did there?)

Fact 15: I live in the Midwest

Love you to bits, Bugaroos! MWAH!

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