C H A P T E R ~ F I F T Y - S E V E N

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We made our way back through the train station without saying a word

'So this is gonna be awkward...' I thought to myself after the minutes of silence.

When we got into the parking lot, Adrien stopped in his tracks. 

I turned around with a confused expression knitted in my brows, "What? Did you forget where the fucking car was or something?" I sarcastically asked.

His eyes widened and he averted eye contact, scratching the back of his neck, "Well, um...you see the thing is-um...yeah, I don't fucking know..." He sheepishly admitted.

I sighed and massaged my nose bridge, closing my eyes, "Really? Because I was relying on you to get us there...I have a shit sense of direction..." I confessed.

He started to laugh and I looked up at him with a slightly pissed glare, "Hey! It's not funny! Some people just don't know the fucking difference between left and right!" I fumed.

He quickly stifled his laughter with a look of pure fear on his face, "S-sorry, I just found it funny how the only people who knew where the damn car is, have just left on a fucking train back to London." He explained, "And they left the two most oblivious people to go and find it like it was a walk in the park, when actually its a fucking maze!" He chuckled.

I tried to keep my composer, but as soon as I let a single giggle escape my lips, all hell broke loose. I was laughing to the point of where I was on the verge of tears, "A-Adrien!" I laughed, "Don't call us out like that! S-sure, we know, but everyone else? D-dude, think before you speak!" I dramatically scolded.

He flipped his hair, "It comes with the package sweetheart. Either deal with it, or get out!" He exclaimed.

If it wasn't possible, I started to laugh even more, "You-you can be...a-a pain in the ass...y-you know that...r-right?" I managed to say in between laughs.

I was on the floor at this point, clutching my stomach which was aching from all the laughter. But as soon as I realized that I was on a dirty, Paris parking lot, I stood up as fast as I could. This cause me to get light headed, and I lost my balance. 

I was about to accept my fate of my face hitting the cold, hard concrete by closing my eyes, when I felt the sensation of falling stop. Confused, my eyes fluttered opened and I immediately flushed a deep shade of red.

I was in Adrien's arms...

I got super flustered and started to flail my arms around, which lead to me whacking Adrien in the face. His grip loosened on me, leading to me almost slipping through his fingers. I braced for impact, but he quickly readjusted his grip, steadying me. I opened my eyes again, and then the blush on my face spread to my ears.

Adrien's nose was inches away from mine...

He also looked pretty red in the face, his eyes wide. After a few moments of staring into each other's eyes, Adrien snapped out of his daze. He gulped and stood me up. I blinked a few times to get myself back to reality. We looked at each other and exchanged awkward smiles.

"Um...the car?" He asked.

I nodded frantically, "T-the car!"

We then headed blindly into the parking lot, not bothering to say a word to one another...


As we were walking through the parking lot, having no idea where our car might be, I kept stealing glances at Marinette as she nervously fidgeted with the cuff of her sleeve and chewed on her lip.

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