Dating Olivia Would Include...

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- facetiming when she's on tour

- hanging out with her friends, Conan, Iris, and Gracie.

- mostly staying inside because of paps

- being her automatic date at awards shows

- talking about your future together

- lots of pda around her friends & at awards shows 

- cuddling 24/7

- not minding being public with your relationship

- her writing about you

- lots and lots of kisses

- casually dropping hits for the fans to find 

- fangirling over Taylor Swift together 

- being her parents second daughter 

- not covering up any love bites so "everyone knows you're mine"

- trying not to provoke jealous liv 

- you making fun of her for her height

-- <3 -- 

A/N: I take and very much need requests, I take fluff, angst, and smut requests, but not kinky smut, ie: toys, bondage, none of that. (partly cause I'm bad at it :P)  

!! if you request smut make sure to include if you want bottom or top Liv !!

  Now lets get into it! 

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