Chapter 6

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TW - mental health issues

I woke early; too early. 3.07am according to my phone, wondering what had caused it, before feeling the tightening of my chest and the wave of panic that accompanied it. I headed off to the kitchen and checked - yup missed my tablet, no wonder I was awoken by a panic attack. I dry swallowed a pill and went to sit with BBC worldwide news playing in the background, most other channels still broadcasting just the Teleshopping. It had been a hard few days, and I sat there almost in a state of catatonia, till Breakfast came on, then Rip Off Britain and Homes Under the Hammer before I roused myself.

How formal is your get together going to be? I texted Nikki, wondering if I needed to unearth a dress and heels or if it was something a bit more low key. 

I had a small headache over my eyebrows which I couldn't shift, probably as a result of spending the last 3 days crying and enduring my pity party for one. Xmas was always hard, back when I was a kid, no real decorations, some halfhearted mostly used and unsuitable gifts tossed at the end of my bed; then worse with Callum, I'd had to scrub and clean and cook and prepare and shop and wrap and do everything for the season whilst he sat there glowering and criticising everything - I had to buy the most thoughtful expensive presents I could for him and his family, getting little more than some cheap scratchy nylon trashy underwear from him in return- more like a gift for himself rather then for me.

I fought off the flashback, pleased with myself for winning this little battle with myself getting stronger mentally and not letting it sweep me away. I'd spent xmas day curled on my little sofa, wrapped in blankets watching all the festive films surrounded by tissues, selection boxes and a few glasses of wine. I never even bothered with a xmas dinner, pulling out a beef stew I'd frozen months before and chasing it with 3 pots of individual trifles and half a bottle of Baileys. I had no tree, no lights, no cards and no presents. Still I'd thought to myself, this is still an infinite number of times better than with him.


This level of formal!! Seriously its as informal as you can get,  just wear something comfortable! See you later

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This level of formal!! Seriously its as informal as you can get,  just wear something comfortable! See you later.😊

Perfect. I sighed to myself as I grabbed my comfiest pair of leggings and threw on a baggy maroon cardigan over my white tshirt. if it had been more formal I may have cried. Again. 

Later that afternoon I sat on my bed smoothing out the distressed green duvet cover, as I grabbed my makeup bag, nothing too much for this evening just a hint of blush and a quick swipe of tinted lip balm and I stuffed my hair messily into a bun, there was no salvaging my slightly piggy eyes, but it is what it is.


I walked up the side road leading to the Hollands house when I heard my name being called hesitantly from behind me, and I turned to see Tom, resplendent in joggers and a puffy jacket, beanie firmly pulled down over his ears and hands in pockets. I stopped to let him catch up, thanking the cold air for masking my blushing red cheeks at hearing my name from his lips.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now