Chapter 13

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Warning- SMUT

Early the next morning Tom awoke slowly, feeling overwhelmed with joy and wrapped around something, someone? He blearily opened one eye to see he was in fact curled around a body which quickly came into focus as Y/N. And it all came flooding back to him their date, the film then, oh yes kissing, stroking and finally making love to the woman he adored above all else, and who he was currently snuggling into the back of, with his arms firmly around her. He inhaled deeply taking in the smell of rose and peach shampoo and what was just her. He smiled sleepily nuzzling into the angle of her neck  and pressing himself closer against her warm soft skin wanting to feel every inch of her. This was what he wanted most in life, despite all his fame and fortune, he just wanted to have a family, and someone he could call his who wanted him for him, not for what he could do for them, who he could introduce them to or what he could buy for them; and he felt that Y/N was the one for this, after all in the 4 months or so he'd known her she never asked him for anything and his mum loved her, and she was a great judge of character.


I began to wake feeling another body pressed up against me, which made me freak out for a second, thinking I was back with C again, before seeing I was in an unfamiliar room and the body against mine was taller and much more muscular. I looked at the arms holding me tenderly and it all came back to me. Tom, I was in Toms house. In Toms bed. With Toms arms around me. With Toms growing erection pressing into me. I lay still not wanting to disturb him in case I woke him up when I felt him begin to kiss my neck and shoulder, murmuring a good morning as he squeezed me gently before pulling the duvet in between us so he was no longer pressing so insistently into me. I rolled over onto my back to see his morning face, eyes still half lidded, goofy smile on his lips and his curly hair all over the place. He propped himself up on his elbow looking down on me as he stroked patterns over my arms and shoulders.

"How're you this morning?" he checked, worried that I was having doubts or regrets "Is there anything I can do for you, or get you?"

"There is one thing you could do for me" I reached up and pulled him down to kiss me. We gently parted our lips as Tom pulled himself more on top of me, dislodging the duvet and his shrinking erection suddenly sprang back full force against my hip as I began to lightly scratch at the back of Toms head, raking through his curls with my nails as he moaned into my mouth. I smirked against his lips as I continued, making him hotter and hotter, until he pulled my hands from him, pinning them lightly to the bed.

"That was unfair" he pouted at me, before he began attacking my neck causing me to moan into his ear leading him to shiver against me. Feeling his erection against my leg, so close to where I wanted him and yet not close enough was driving me wild. I'd always been a bit more of a sex in the morning kind of girl and after Toms gentle loving last night I was craving more. I rolled him off me and proceeded to sit on his stomach stopping him from moving as he grinned and reached up to gently cup my breasts. If he wanted war he could have it as I raised myself up and shuffled back then wriggled into the right position to take his cock inside me. As I suddenly sat down on him he let out a surprised groan "fuck, that's so hot" as I began to move above him holding onto his six pack to steady myself as I rose and fell, rocking back and forth as he gripped tighly onto my thighs sliding his hands up until he could rub at my clit with every move I made, driving us closer and closer until my muscles began to stutter as I lost control, right on the edge of cumming as he swiped his fingers across me and then I fell. He continued to rub me through my high as I clenched around him, and as my shuddering stopped he gripped my legs and thrust up hard and fast into me, chasing his orgasm as he lay back, hair falling into his eyes , muscles flexing, biting his lip. He had never looked sexier. Then he threw his head back and held me down tight against his groin as I felt him spurt deep inside me.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now