Chapter 42

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TW - Graphic descriptions of childbirth

"Its okay baby, its okay" Tom desperately tried to reassure me as my body ramped up, contractions constantly running through me my body pushing and pushing, the pain immense. Cramps beyond anything I'd ever experienced in my life and the pressure the stinging burning stretch in my vagina as our babies began to emerge into the world.

"Tom," came the voice of the midwife from the speaker, you need to look between Y/Ns legs and tell me what you see, okay?"

He squeezed my hand and bent down, my skirt having been removed after my water broke

"Okay, shit I can see the head coming out! What do I do?"

The midwife began to calmly talk Tom through his job "Tom, you need to place your hand against the babies head, don't push it, just hold it and guide it as it comes out can you do that?"

Tom reached down and I could feel his hand pressing against my vagina and the top of the babys bloody greasy head, gently, so, very gently.

"Tom," I breathed to him "you're touching our baby - the first touch they ever had and its you my love...."

He looked up from where he was crouched between my legs a look of realisation and absolute contentment and love on his face as he whispered "my baby" carefully stroking his hand over their emerging head as I bit my lip hard trying to bear the burning agony and stretch,

"Now if you can, you need to lay out a padded surface on the floor, underneath for the baby to be born onto and get a towel ready. Y/N you need to pant, like you've run a race, darling you are almost there, don't push, let your body and gravity do the work, how's the head Tom?"

"Its still mostly in, but wait........ here, the heads out completely now" Tom cried

"Thats great, you're both doing so well, now Tom place your hand under the head as the baby will rotate slightly as their shoulders slip out, and you need to support them the head and their shoulders as they come out - they're going to be very slippery so make sure you're ready for it."

"Tom" I whispered as I got ready to fully deliver our firstborn, staring at his face, furrowed with concentration "I love you, so much"

He leaned up, still holding onto the babys head to peck me on the lips "I love you too darling, with all my heart" as assisted by gravity my body pushed out our baby into Toms waiting hands and he laid them gently down onto the towel covered stack of blankets between my legs.

"Oh, oh they're here, darling they're here" Tom shouted up as he looked into the scrunched up but adorable face of his child "Its Abigail, she's first".

"Tom, you need to rub them with a towel, gently to get their circulation going and they should cry okay"came the voice from the phone.

I lay back still attached to my baby by the umbilical cord, blood painting my legs and towel under me, pain forgotten for a moment as I listened to Tom coo over the baby as she began her life in the world with a grumbling cry at the coolness of the room and the rubbing of a towel against her soft skin. 
"Now if theres room and the cord is long enough can you pass her up to mum Tom?" the midwife asked. He wrapped the towel over her nakedness and lifted her to me so I could hold her for the first time, still crouched over slightly I held my angel for the first time, her small soft body on the outside, kissing the top of her bloody head, but not caring, breathing in her smell, as she wriggled against my still bulging stomach surprised at all the room now available to her as she opened he eyes for the first time.

I was just nuzzling against her, Tom staring up with love at the both of us, pulling out his camera to take the first of millions of photos as Miss Lauren and her colleague bustled through the door ready to dive in.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now