Chapter 12

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Warning SMUT

Friday finally rolled around and after logging off from work, having taken on my usual  early shift to 2pm, using my early bird and insomniac  tendencies to my advantage, I began to ready myself. I took a long soak in the bath, being careful to exfoliate and shave, before moisturising every inch of my skin. I carefully unearthed a new underwear set bought with great anticipation on Tuesday, a dark, deep rich navy blue silk with cream detailing on the cups and the front of the accompanying thong, I wanted to avoid the cliche red underwear for now, no matter how good it looked against my skin. I opened my wardrobe to pull out a simple but cute patterned teal wrap dress paired with a comfortable pair of nude wedges.I curled my hair slightly, giving a little more body to my usual do, before looking at my make up bag. I hesitated before shoving it away and just reaching for my usual lip crayon. I wasn't a huge fan of make up tending to use it as a mask hiding the real me away, and having had to use it so frequently in the past with C, not just because he demanded a full face everytime we went out, but often to help camouflage the bruises and marks he left; so now, I was going fresh faced, hiding nothing, being me.

I arrived at Toms house slightly early and full of nerves, with no idea where or what the evening would bring. I rang the doorbell and could hear noises from inside as they approached the door. Tom opened it with a huge smile on his face, his eyes sparkling with excitement and a tea towel draped across his shoulder over the smart dark red shirt with the sleeves rolled back to his elbows that he was wearing with dark trousers and bare feet. He leaned forward to kiss me gently on the cheek before ushering me inside.

"I thought we'd eat in" he said as the smell of simmering meat came from the kitchen as he walked back holding onto my hand leading me with him, the tea towel making a lot more sense now. He turned to me with a glass of red wine ready poured in his hand for me.

" I could get used to this" I teased as I took it from him to sip at the heady deep warmth. " Can I help you with anything?" I asked.

"Absolutely not, you are my date and I will not have you helping." he insisted, "plus I don't share the kitchen that well. But please sit and make yourself comfortable, it won't be too long."

I walked around the sofa, popping off my heels before curling my legs under me as I looked back across the  back of the sofa towards the kitchen, noticing the table, now laid with candles and flowers, ready for us. I could see Tom draining potatoes before mashing them debating with himself whether to add in more butter or not, listening to his little monologue with a deep affection, my heart clenching at the sound of his warm silky voice. I was lost in my admiration and almost missed him walking over to the table with two plates of food, as I got up to join him. We sat opposite each other, with plates full of mash, lamb shanks and broccoli and glasses of wine staring at each other over the warm candlelight.

We enjoyed our meal, finishing off with a creme brulee courtesy of Marks & Spencer, Tom fully admitting desserts were not something he could cook; before taking what was left of our wine and sitting together on the sofa, his arm around me as I half laid on his chest, covered with one of the many blankets and Saving Private Ryan on the tv, as he ran his fingers gently through my hair over and over. The film was about half over when he shifted slightly laying back more and pulling me with him as he threaded his hand through the hair on the back of my head as he began kissing me; gently probing my mouth with his tongue, exploring every inch, tasting the wine and lingering sweetness of dessert, as I reached up to touch his cheek, feeling a tiny prickle of stubble, too faint to see, but just enough to feel with the sensitive pads of my fingers.  He caressed down my hair along my back before stopping just above my butt where he began tracing circles into my skin, kissing me deeper and harder as I felt him beginning to harden against my stomach. He pulled back slowly, looking me in the eye, "we can stop whenever you want to, just let me know." He waited for my acknowledgement before plunging back in, revelling in the feel of skin and warmth and wetness and losing ourselves in each other.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now