Chapter 36

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I had spent a very boring few days in bed, with Tom constantly by my side. He had been a rock as I cried, and had nightmares and flashbacks, encouraging me to talk and return to my therapist. He ordered a blood pressure monitor and insisted I use it twice a day, along with the mini doppler machine, which he was getting quite good at using. He curled around me at every opportunity, resting his hands on my stomach, caressing the growing swell, and now feeling the movements inside more and more, as the babies fidgeted and twisted into odd directions. Even when I was allowed downstairs, he made sure I was prone on the sofa mostly, despite being given an all clear by the midwifes via phone to get up and move about. I was fragile still, back to flinching at loud noises and sudden movements, but determined to fight back, tiny step by tiny step.

Mid January came and Tom needed to fulfil the second photoshoot he'd promised to do, fortunately in London itself, in the Sky Garden in the city, and he was determined to take me with him, naming me on the call sheet as his PA. It was an earlier start than I wanted, but I needed to get out of the house and planned to use this shoot as an opportunity to press the Trusts agenda where I could - I'd had my official start date with them pushed back a couple of weeks as Nikki hadn't wanted me to be under too much pressure, especially with the pregnancy too. 

A car arrived at 7.30 and I finished stuffing some toast in my mouth as I grabbed some promotional paperwork and the shoot details from the hall table, pushing Tom lightly out of the house ahead of me. It was a quiet drive through London, mostly spent scrolling through emails and SM posts, trying to get a feel for Toms current popularity and presence, itching to hold his hand just inches from mine but having to hold off. Whisked to a boardroom near the top of the building, Tom was escorted off to have his hair and makeup done, laughing and joking with his usual artist and Rachel as I engaged with the magazines representatives establishing an appropriate line of questions, with focus on the new animated movie and also, his charity work with the trust after pushing back on his personal situation. I made myself as comfortable as I could in my stretchy black maternity dress with knee high flat boots, my hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail - the very epitome of business appropriate - sipping on a bottle of spring water, making small talk as the stylist popped coats on and off trying to get the perfect combination.

Eventually, right selection made, the photography began as I sat there admiring the long lines of Toms back as he turned and twisted and flexed for the camera, moving effortlessly as the shutter clicked away, he saw me enjoying myself, giving a small shy smile in contrast to the confident pose he was reclined in to which the photographer went crazy, telling him to hold that look. They moved to different areas of the roof, trying a few different poses and props out as I handed Tom a water as they changed the lighting set up and we made small talk, like colleagues, about upcoming meetings and schedules. I stretched my back out wincing slightly as Tom gave me a look of concern asking if he could call anyone for me. The photographer saw us there and apparently inspired asked if I would be happy to take part as he'd 'just had an idea' to have my obviously pregnant stomach silhouetted  with Toms face and hands. I looked at Tom quizically who just shrugged and said it was okay if I was comfortable with it. I could see the wheels turning and knew he had decided that when this came out as an interview he would also reveal his impending fatherhood.

I moved into position, with Tom resting his face against the swell of my stomach, as he asked with a fake concern to my ears "is it okay if I do this?" as if at home he didn't spend half his waking moments face pressed to the bump and his children. Still I understood he needed us to pretend for the people around us.

"Sure," I replied, "I'm sure the kids dad won't mind" I could feel the eyeroll that come from that one.

After messing around for another 10 minutes they got the shot of Toms face pressed to the swell of my stomach, hands holding it up, and one of my hands on his hair, a position very normal for us. Once it was done I walked away slightly embarassed by the whole thing, it felt a bit off and a weird choice. I wasn't an actress and having to be fake about this was torture, so I retired back with my water as the interviewer moved in.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now