Chapter 21

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Tom  gripped tighter onto my thighs as he piggybacked me home, my feet too tired to deal with heels any longer, which dangled from my hands around his neck, bumping lightly against his chest with every step he took. It was only a few minutes walk so not too onerous for him, even at the late hour and after a strenuous day. He dropped me backwards onto the sofa when we got in, before darting off upstairs, telling me to wait for a minute. I leaned back against the squashy cushions, wondering what else was in store.

I could hear rummaging and a little banging as Tom searched for something upstairs before he reappeared, throwing himself down next to me with a look of trepidation on his normally open sunny face.

"I've got your present here" he began, holding a hand behind his back, "I need to explain to you, before you freak out" he continued as he brought out a small box. My heart almost stopped and I could feel panic rising and my breath beginning to grow faster as fear grew. He placed his free hand on my leg, "breathe darling, and please, listen......" he opened the box to show a small, delicate infinity ring with 2 small stones set into it, before lifting his hand and running it nervously through his curls.

"This is not an engagement ring. I promise, I'm not going to ask you to marry me, I know you're not ready for that, its NOT an engagement ring" he repeated as my panicked breathing began to slow a little.

"I do love you and I want you to know that. I do want to marry you, but not until you are ready for that - and if you never are, that's fine too. I want you to consider this a promise ring from me.  A promise that I love you, a promise that I will always be there for you, a promise to protect you and a promise that when you want I will marry you in a heartbeat. But not an engagement ring, okay." 

He looked at me brushing my hair out of my face. "I promise" he kissed my forehead. I took the ring out of the box to look at it. It was small enough to fit my little finger perfectly, very delicate and just the sort of ring I would have picked for myself.

"The stones are alexandrite and moonstone" Tom said "our birthstones, representing both of us together, and an infinity loop because I will never stop loving you" I slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed Tom trying to show him how much it meant to me that he had taken my fears into consideration and how much I loved him for all he was, before leading him upstairs to bed


It was still June and Tom was still enjoying a brief hiatus in his work, when he decided he was going to outfit the cleaned unused garage as a mini gym. He had got in some contractors to refloor it, insulate it and fit some mirrors and sockets, and was now fussing over where he was going to put the treadmill and his weights machine. I popped my head in, smiling at him fussing about, "I'm just heading out to collect my prescriptions and pick up some bits from the supermarket - anything you want?"

"I'm good baby," he replied, "but actually if you can grab me some radox soak that would be great, my arms are aching" he rubbed at them,and his muscles rippled under the added pressure of his hands. "No problem, consider it done" as I kissed his slightly sweaty cheek, dancing out of his grabby hands. "later sweatbag!" I shouted behind me as I grabbed my keys, leaving with his laughter echoing behind me.

Truth be told, I wasn't going just to the chemist, but back to my flat which Tom didn't know I still had. I needed to collect the paperwork to renew the lease for another year and get any post which I still hadn't redirected. This was the third time I had been back since moving in with Tom a few months ago. I walked briskly through the park, still wary of the encounter some weeks back; there was no reason to think that man had been Callum, it was miles from where we used to live in Forest Hill, and there's no reason why he should have been in Richmond Park, but reason never had much sway with my inbuilt paranoia and I kept out a watchful eye as I went. I entered my flat, enduring the same feeling of being a visitor that I always had, picking up the junk mail for the bin and sorting through the couple of pieces of actual post. Sitting on my lonely grey sofa, patting my stuffed Stitch on the head as I considered quickly hoovering and wiping down the dusty surfaces. It only took 10 minutes and the place was clean as new, waiting for somone to use it again. I sighed and left, heading off to the chemist 4 streets away to collect another 3 months ration of pills.

Falling - Tom Holland imagineWhere stories live. Discover now